Competitive Intelligence

Tactical, Operational & Strategic Analysis of Markets, Competitors & Industries

Hi Ning members:

I am finishing my syllabus that I will be delivering to over 40 of our top MBA students here at the University of Windsor and needed your suggestions for one last thing I want to add to it. In particular, I am looking for sites that have freely available CI podcasts or webcasts that my students can be directed to, as I'm very interested in enhancing the multi-media delivery of their educational experience. I know of a few (some of our fellow Ning members do these) -- but would greatly welcome your suggestions as to which ones I should utilize - please provide me the URL so that I can see it for myself before deciding on which ones I will include for this semester's cohort. I need to have this done in the next few days, so time is of the essence. Thanks in advance for your suggestions.


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I listen to the HBR Knowledge Podcast and the Center for Creative Leadership podcasts. While they are not CI specific, they have great topics about strategy, knowledge, communications and many things that I am able to apply to my CI work everyday.

Thanks for the suggestions Melanie. I'm a frequent listener of the HBR ones and already utilize them in my courses, but was unaware of the CCL podcasts. WHat is ironic is that I did some significant research on simulation-based leadership testing with them back in the late 80s. Definitely appreciate your suggestions and help. I hope I'll hear about some more from others as well... take care and keep on keeping on! Craig
Knowledge@Wharton has been one of my favorites.
Another good recommendation that I need to include. Again, I should know better since those folks published a book of mine and I am actually subscribed to their regular mails. Sometimes it just takes being reminded. This syllabus is improving every time I get another suggestion from you guys. Awesome and thanks! My students will benefit from your tips. Cheers...
Hi Craig,

Have you already included August Jackson's CI Podcast?
Hi Jon: Thanks for the suggestion. Yes, I have included August's podcasts among my assignments. I like them but am hoping to identify some others (preferably of the freely available webcast variety) as well. Appreciate your suggestion, as well as August's ongoing efforts -- they are valuable! Thanks, Craig
Hello Sir,
I don't go for podcasts.. But instead i can give you a webpage where you get interesting updates on technological watches... and breakthroughs, which could be a S.I.P. in the future...

and those two would be:

Moreover, i also access a website which provides visitor's threat level to a particular issue and those would be,
Hello Jayanth: Those are great -- thanks for pointing them out. I could see a great use for them in a CTI subject I am teaching beginning January, and they will nicely complement several case studies I am considering using. I appreciate your reply! Craig
I like the podcasts from the "Long Now Foundation." Several of them, including Tetlock's and Saffo's presentation, discuss tools and methods for conducting CI.
Hello Joe: I was previously unaware of this site -- but found it utterly fascinating after having listened to a couple of the podcasts there this morning. I love the longer-term thinking inherent in these presentations and obviously recognized a fair number of the presenters. I suspect this will come in handy for my students for years to come. I appreciate your suggestion and definitely value it! Have a great day, Craig
I'll keep this thread moving by listing several CI-specific casts (either pod or web, or full videos) that I like to use in my courses.
GEDCom.Ag has a variety of Webcasts in english at:
August Jackson's impressive body of CI podcasts is found at:
The World Future Society has a series of futuring videos at YouTube found at:
Dr. Patrick J. Dixon has many CI-oriented and strategy/futuring videos available at:
The Innosight videos by SCIP 2006 keynoter and Harvard B-School professor Dr. Clayton Christensen and his company on innovation and strategy are found at:

I hope that will keep this flowing and look forward to additional suggestions from my friends in the CI Ning netowrk. Thanks in advance for your assistance.
Here are two more good sites suggested to me by colleagues: - this is the free video and podcast site offered by Stanford University's Entrepreneurship Corner. Has a bunch of great offerings for those of you thinking about launching new ventures or in the early stages of your new business. - The Research Channel is run by a consortium of academic institutions - and has many videos contributed by universities and colleges. Some of the business/economic videos may be of interest. - requires a (free) subscription but has a lot of interesting material that might support modules in your courses.


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