Competitive Intelligence

Tactical, Operational & Strategic Analysis of Markets, Competitors & Industries

The Intelligence Collaborative - an introduction

Dear fellow intelligence professionals,

We've been talking for a few weeks now about a collaborative to unify the various types of intelligence out there, to create more connections, and improve the whole concept of using information to solve problems in organizations.

As you have no doubt heard, our inaugural live meeting is October 22nd, this Thursday, here in Washington, DC. Tickets are free, sponsors are buying drinks, and the subject is the use of social media in organizations. Come out out!

I put together a video to help explain to intelligence professionals and others why we need a richer dialogue. Love to hear your thoughts!

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Private Public Partnership = PPP Model.

The French outposts scan the environment and identify an opportunity, a simple case of OSINT scanning and OODA loop working well.
Tax changes, investment needed in food processing – PM

The Indian Prime Minister saif that if the Indian government reviews taxes on processed food and improves rural infrastructure, this would create a suitable environment for investment and then we can expect an increase in private investment in this sector.
Although India is one of the major producers of some farm products internationally but due to lack of a dynamic food processing industry it leads to huge wastages and this has limited India’s share in world food trade to less than 2 percent.
The Congress led coalition government has shown keenness to devise a National Food Processing Policy to boost this sector and increase farm income.
Dr Man Mohan Sigh said that the Indian Government needs to rethink the taxation structure in the food processing industry. The multiple tax on processed food needs to be simplified.
In the coming budget we could expect that Dr Man Mohan Singh may address this issue. The Prime Minister said that the states should remove bias when they use value addition tax to impose multiple taxes and that Goods and Services Tax (GST) should be implemented by them as early as possible.
April 2010 deadline has been set to remove multi levies such as excise and service tax and move over to a simpler GST as per the amendments to the Agricultural Produce Marketing Committee (APMC) Act in letter and spirit.
The Prime Minister urged the corporates to look at the feasibility of the food processing industry and motivated them to build multinational brands in this sector. He urged corporates to increase their presence in the food processing industry and build global brands. For this he said the government will consider increasing public investment to build rural on-farm infrastructure like primary processing centres, collection centres, cold chains etc.,
A meager of 6% food items produces by India are processed and the rest are wasted due to shorter shelf life of food items. This is in contrast to the 60-80 percent in developed nations and 30 percent in some Asian and Latin American nations.
The National Food Processing ( NFP) Policy will adopt a number of legislative, administrative and promotional measures besides being comprehensive to be effective, said Dr Manmohan Singh.
This NFP policy after much deliberations will evolve keeping in mind the objective of developing feasible agri-business and agro-industry models keeping in mind the different agro-climates and regions. The PM said that clusters could be identified for all-round upgrade by infusing new technology, new packaging methods and by providing marketing support.

Brother Eric, now we see Private Publiv Partnership at play where the Government supports Business:

PPP Model in Intelligence Collaborative

26th October 09 - News Article which is self-explanatory.

France to help India boost food processing sector


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