Hi Jonathan: Congrats on receiving the long-overdue SCIP Fellows designation. Enjoy the annual meetings and the awards ceremony. I'm sorry that I won't be there to enjoy it with you and the others. Take care...
Jonathan, great to catch up with you through this excellent media...how is the project we engaged on coming along what must be over 18 months ago now? You getting involved with the 'collaborative intelligence' movement?
Hi Jonathan,
Thank you to have added me as a friend. Hope to have you very soon in the scientic and program commitee of our next international symposium in Cote d'ivoire.
Hi Jonathan - sorry we never connected a few weeks ago but are you around today, Friday or next week Tuesday/Wednesday? We'd been planning to talk about SCIP09 but then the F&S announcement sort of made that less relevant.
hey Jonathan, thanks for the note - are you around next week at all? SCIP is more of a phone call than an email but I plan to do a trip report before week's end... Maybe that will cover it?
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Thank you to have added me as a friend. Hope to have you very soon in the scientic and program commitee of our next international symposium in Cote d'ivoire.