Competitive Intelligence

Tactical, Operational & Strategic Analysis of Markets, Competitors & Industries



For those anywhere around the globe who teach or do research in the field of competitive intelligence.

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Competitive Intelligence MOOC Proof of Concept

Started by Alexandru Capatina. Last reply by Arik Johnson Jul 10, 2017. 3 Replies

I see this network has been down for three years now

Started by klaus Söilen. Last reply by klaus Söilen Feb 25, 2016. 12 Replies

Who is getting their CI research articles published, and where?

Started by Craig S. Fleisher. Last reply by Isabel Santos Sep 26, 2012. 19 Replies

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Comment by klaus Söilen on June 8, 2009 at 12:52pm
For anyone interested in the research projects that will be presented at the ECIS 2009 at the end of the week, please see attachment (program).Programm ECIS 2009.pdf
Comment by Dr. Avner Barnea on May 21, 2009 at 11:53am
I'm teaching CI in the MBA program of the Ono Academic College in Israel. The feed back from the first year was really good so this course has been already scheduled for the new academic year (Oct. 2009).
Comment by klaus Söilen on May 12, 2009 at 8:54am
On the 2nd of July I have a PhD student who is defending her thesis in CI in Paris, Nadege Guenec. You are all most welcome to attend. The topic is "Methodologies pour la creation de connaissance elaborees relatives au marche chinois dans une demarche d'Intelligence Economique". The two other exmainators are Henri Dou, a world leading expert on patents, and Christian Krumeich.

The thesis looks at how to gather economic intelligence through open sources in China with the special case of agricultural biotechnology.

From a sunny Sweden where the rapeseed is now blossoming, Klaus

Comment by Craig S. Fleisher on April 26, 2009 at 1:15pm
Another prominent development in the CI field has recently occurred that should be of high and continuing value to our academic members here at Ning (and beyond). A comprehensive listing of CI scholarship has been produced and made freely available to everyone via the CIMITRI (Competitive Intelligence - Marketing Interface Teaching and Research Initiative - CIMITRI) site at Leicester Business School, De Montfort University, UK (

The bibliography, begun originally as a joint research effort by several academics in the CI field including Dr. Paul Dishman (Marriott School of Management, Brigham Young University, USA), Sheila Wright (Leicester Business School, De Montfort University, UK), Victor Knip (Global Intelligence Alliance, NYC, USA), Robb Tindale, and myself, contains well over three thousand entries (and ever-growing) of relevance and pertinence to CI researchers and scholars. It is organized in a year-by-year fashion, and within each year, further organizes the list by the type of scholarship published (e.g., books, chapters, journal articles, theses and dissertations, etc.). Because it is provided in PDF format, it is search-able using Adobe Acrobat and should be of benefit to anybody writing papers in the field.

For those who want to add articles to the list that they have published, you can do so by bearing in mind the search rationale, statement on inclusions and exclusions, if you are aware of a citation which has been omitted, please send a PDF copy of the article to with a short statement setting out why you think it should have been included. This will then be considered for inclusion by the authoring team.

I can also tell you from reviewing several of my current graduate students dissertations and theses, that any student who is writing articles in ignorance of the literature will no longer have an excuse that "they didn't realize that someone had written on this or that topic" before. The list is quite comprehensive (I'd suggest it is the most comprehensive one freely available anywhere) and should allow you to identify works that might help illuminate your own research and scholarly efforts. This would be the first place I would send my students to visit when they are embarking on the process of doing research in the CI field. It can help any of us who are teaching in the area or involve din supervising CI writing projects being conducted by students.

You can access the listing at the following:

Special thanks to my long-time friend and colleague Sheila Wright for providing this valuable service to our global CI community. It is up to all of us now to leverage and improve it in the future so that it can be a helpful foundation for all of us in the coming years. I hope you'll find it of use and benefit.

Professor Craig S. Fleisher, Moderator of the CI Ning Academics group
Comment by Craig S. Fleisher on April 11, 2009 at 8:37am
For all of you who practice, teach, research or have an interest in the area of Competitive Technical Intelligence, you should keep an eye open for the newest offering being published by the Competitive Intelligence Foundation (CIF). The Competitive Technical Intelligence book, edited by my friends W. Bradford Ashton and Bonnie Hohhof, will include 20 all new chapters and is being released to the public for the first time at SCIP09 in Chicago.

The book is full of valuable contributions from Ning group authors and other long-time CTI/CI contributors like Ellen Naylor, Pat Bryant, Martha Matteo, Alan Porter, Gary Oosta, Kirk Tyson, Jonathan Calof, and Merrill Brenner, to some other rising and shining lights in the field like Gregory Fruchet, Judith Leavitt, and Manjula Nadarajah, among others. I have included the contents of the book below for your information.

Everyone who is in Chicago should make their way to the exhibition area and purchase it from the SCIP bookstore, along with more than a hundred other products that might just tickle your fancy or be of use to you in your CI activities. For those who cannot make it to the SCIP09 meeting, the book can be purchased at the web-site. Like all products available at the site, SCIP members receive a discount from the ordinary price for their purchases.


1. Brad Ashton, Introduction, What is CTI and why important?
2. Nick Bruns, Understanding Technological Change, an overview of basics of tech change for CTI
3. Ellen Naylor,Trends in CTI Effectiveness: Interviews with CTI Experts, based on SME interview results

4. Judith A. Leavitt, The FED Framework©: FOCUS, EXECUTION & DISCIPLINE
5. Merrill Brenner, Evolving Technology Intelligence into Decision Support, a practical discussion based on Air Products & Chemicals
6. Grégory Fruchet, Effective Practices for Implementing CTI in a Large R&D Organization, covers the CTI Program at CISTI
7. Lee Cornell, Using CTI to Support Product Development
8. Martha Matteo, Tales from the Trenches…” Client communication issues that can make-or-break a CTI effort

9. Craig Fleisher, The Tools CTI Analysts Use: An Overview, briefly summarizes 35 tools used in CTI
10. Alan Porter, Technology Monitoring – Tech Mining
11. Gary Oosta, Patent Mapping Review 2008, a chapter on analysis visualization for patents
12. Barry Brager, How Competitive Intelligence Analysts Can Effectively Assess Patent Value
13. Craig Fleisher & Brad Ashton, Early Warning and CTI
14. John Lauri, Using Technical Experts as Collectors in Biopharmaceuticals, a primary data collection example
15. Jonathan Calof, Event Show Intelligence – Examples Of Successful CTI Collection Projects, provides short case summaries

16. Kirk Tyson, Assessing the impact of a a new technology - A CTI Case Study
17. Manjula Nadarajah, CTI and Technology Mapping for Strategic Decision-Making, an example at Shell Production
18. Debra Mills, Identifying Technology Research Nodes: A Case Study, an example of finding R&D organizations for ONR
19. Pat Bryant & Brad Ashton, Competitive Technology Forecasting in Pharmaceuticals

20. Brad Ashton & Ellen Naylor, CTI: THE FUTURE, based on SME interview results
Comment by Craig S. Fleisher on March 3, 2009 at 7:48am
Dear CI Ning Academics: The next EBRF conference is being held in Jyvaskyla, Finland on September 23-25, 2009. I have attached a "call for papers" to the meeting in hopes that some of you will consider submitting your ideas for the "Business and Competitive Intelligence" track that I co-chair with my good friend Mika Hannula at Tampere University of Technology. Abstracts are due by 30 April, giving you plenty of time to get something prepared and submitted.
EBRF 2009 Call.pdf
I have been attending this meeting for most of the past decade, and can tell you that every year a number of high quality BI and CI papers and research are offered. I can't imagine why this year would be any different, and would encourage you to consider submitting if you have something that would "fit" our meeting. The overall theme of the meeting is "Emergent drivers of shared business models in globalizing ecosystems," so we would particularly welcome anyone who is doing research on the development of management of networks (social, professional, corporate and otherwise) within BI/CI, cooperative relationships, business model implications, applied strategy in a global context, BI/CI within various ecosystems, partnership arrangements between corporate entities and consultants, and the like. Please feel free to send me any questions or ask for ideas if you are unsure as to the suitability of a potential topic.

The conference information can be found at the following web-site:

Thanks for considering EBRF 2009 in your upcoming plans!
Comment by Rainer Michaeli on November 16, 2008 at 6:39pm

indeed I share your feelings about the JCIM and SCIP's communication behaviour. Afterall it took them 6 long months to update their website in order to delete the former editors from their JCIM site.
Guess one can not hope that a solution has been found already and it just takes another 6 months to get it on, right?

If you should miss academic intelligence folk & publications, check out I joined last year to find my membership worthwile.


Comment by Michael Neugarten on November 16, 2008 at 1:56pm
September 2008 has been and gone ... and not a word about JCIM from SCIP

"The committee will be tasked with bringing back to the CIF Board of Trustees a recommendation by the first week in September on how JCIM will be restructured and launched." (Martha Gleason, writing on behalf of the CIF, April 2008)

The above was stated at the beginning of April as a partial explanation of the sudden and somewhat dramatic demise of JCIM. At that time I expressed my doubts that we might not hear anything new in September, and indeed, not one word was said about JCIM in September, nor at the Rome conference at the end of October. We are now in mid-November, and the silence is deafening.

Does anyone know anything about what has been happening with the deliberations regarding JCIM?

Is someone hoping that this issue will just fade away ... ?

If so, perhaps a comment made by a colleague in Rome may be pertinent: while cutting JCIM may appear to save some expenses, a no less serious consequence may be the adverse immediate and longer-term effect on SCIP membership (both in terms of potential new members, and also in terms of membership renewals). Has anyone at SCIP factored this into the equation?


Comment by Arik Johnson on November 12, 2008 at 9:47pm
Hi Craig - the Atelis meeting looks really exciting - I'm going to circulate to my friends and colleagues as well - thanks for sharing!
Comment by Craig S. Fleisher on November 12, 2008 at 8:56pm
Third Annual European Competitive Intelligence Symposium, Sweden, 2009
June 11 – 12, 2009, Stockholm, Sweden

Atelis CI 2009

ECIS, now in its third year, is together with SCIP, the premier scholarly venue in the area of Competitive Intelligence. It aims at providing a ubiquitous platform for topic related to Competitive Intelligence (CI), Market and Marketing Intelligence, Private Intelligence, Intelligence Studies and the relationship between CI and Business Intelligence (software systems), as this sister field has become ever more technically oriented and independent. ECIS will provide a high profile, leading edge forum for researchers and professionals alike to present state-of-the-art research in field of Competitive and Market Intelligence.Topics Research contributions are solicited in all areas pertinent to Competitive, Market and Business Intelligence, including: 1 – The Discipline of Competitive Intelligence The Professional and Academic separation between the fields of Competitive Intelligence (Management practices) and Business Intelligence (Technical solutions) - Similarities and differences between the Academic fields of Decision Support Systems, Knowledge Management, Market Intelligence and Competitive Intelligence - The history and overlapping of Competitive Intelligence with other Management fields in general - The future of the field of Competitive Intelligence as an academic discipline - How Police and Military education can profit from the study of Competitive Intelligence

2 - Competitive Intelligence: Innovations for Competing, Consuming and Collaborating in a Wired World How the profession and study of Competitive Intelligence has changed with the spread of Internet - Why the field of Competitive Intelligence has focused so much on threats instead of opportunities - How the field of Competitive Intelligence can be used for Business Development and Innovation, or Entrepreneurship - Competitive Intelligence and Blue Ocean Strategy - Competitive Intelligence and Cost Innovation - How to integrate Competitive Intelligence into small and medium-sized businesses

3 – More General topics related to Competitive Intelligence Competitive Intelligence in Emerging Markets - Ethical issues in Competitive Intelligence - Models of Competitive Advantage - Competitive Intelligence and Finance - Competitive Intelligence for Regional Development - Market research and Competitive Intelligence - Exhibit/Trade Show Intelligence - Organizational Perspectives on Competitive Intelligence - Competitive Intelligence and Open Source issues - Intelligence Analysis - Competitive Intelligence for a National Competitive Advantage - The role of governments and the implementation of CI national policies, in public and private institutions.

For more information about the symposium:
Laurence MASSON Atelis – ESCEM
tél : 02-47-71-71-83 Fax : 02-47-71-72-35

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