In today's difficult economy businesses sometime have an urgent need for competitive or market information on a company, product, or market. For companies that do not have there own research or competitive intelligence resources a.kelsky & associates can quickly and inexpensively fill that need. We also sub-contract to larger research and/or competitive intelligence companies who may have a special need or too much work in their pipeline.
We gather information using primary and secondary means, based on the Society of Competitive Intelligence Professional's ethics.. We distill this information into an actionable report. Reports are richly illustrated with SWOT charts, tables, graphs and charts, and engagingly written with as little jargon as possible. We perform our services in the pharmaceutical, energy, consumer goods and telecom areas. Specific tasks we address include:
* Company Profiles
* Executive Profiles
* Periodic monitoring of a company, product or market
* Competitive Analysis of products
* Regulatory Issues
* General Research
Contact Us
9428 Red Spruce Way
Elk Grove, CA 95624
Telephone: 916-897-9691
Fax: 916-517-1437
email: akelsky@gmail com
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