Competitive Intelligence

Tactical, Operational & Strategic Analysis of Markets, Competitors & Industries

South by Southwest (SxSW) Interactive is the leading event in digital and social media held each spring in Austin, Texas. The conference brings entrepreneurs and thought leaders together for an event like no other. I have submitted a session proposal that will appeal to competitive intelligence professionals, strategic thinkers and the digerati alike. My session is "Predicting the Future of the Semantic Web." I'm asking the CI Ning community to vote for my proposed session so that it might be included as part of the SxSWi 2012 program.

Experienced CI professionals will recognize the basics of scenario analysis laid out in this session. During the session I will walk the audience through the top trends influencing the semantic web, linked data, web 3.0 and related technologies. We'll identify the top uncertainties that define this domain, and develop a set of scenarios based on those uncertainties. Each scenario will represent a possible vector for disruption in a variety of industries, including telecommunications, news media, entertainment and information technology.

If you are interested in scenario analysis or the semantic web, please take a moment to go to the SxSW site and vote for my proposed session "Predicting the Future of the Semantic Web" by following this link: While you're there, take a look at the other excellent proposals on offer.

If my proposal is accepted as part of the 2012 program I will follow up the session with a webinar for the CI Ning community on the topic.

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Best of luck, August - even if you don't make it, I'd still love to see a webinar on the topic ;-)
Consider the webinars offer a bribe. ;-)

This session will be really enlightening if I do say so myself. I really do hope that it gets selected. I'm also proposing this topic for SLA 2012 and might try it for SCIP 2012 as well.
Well, you got my vote and I routed to the whole community here and on Twitter, so hopefully, that kicks in a few.
Today (September 1) is the last full day to vote. Voting for SxSW 2012 panels closes tomorrow. If you would be so kind, please go vote for "Predicting the Future of the Semantic Web" here:


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