Competitive Intelligence

Tactical, Operational & Strategic Analysis of Markets, Competitors & Industries

Registration is now open for all fall 2019 courses in SLA’s Competitive & Decision Intelligence Certificate Program. Enhance your research, analysis, and intelligence skills to support competitive intelligence, planning, and decision-making in your organization. All courses are online.


For over two decades, instructor Cynthia Cheng Correia has helped managers and companies develop their competitive intelligence (CI), critical foresight, and strategic capabilities through advising, training, improving processes and practices, & applying effective tools.


Fall 2019 Course Schedule


Sep 9-27, 2019


Knowledge Management for CI


Oct 7-28, 2019


Management Analysis


Nov 4-22, 2019


Issue Analysis


Dec 2-20, 2019


Scenario Planning & Futures Techniques


Visit the course webpage for more details.

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