Being the son of a Spanish immigrant to Venezuela I was "endowed" with an interest for all things foreing, languages, and hard-work ethics. I have been a voracious reader since age 10 or so and love to seek knowledge as well as the marvelous variety offered by the world's many cultures. While deemed too logical a person that does not mean I don't care or get emotional now and then. Really enjoy being a father of two girls, think politicians everywhere could do a much better job (together with us citizens), and am also passionate about our individual responsibility in preserving the environment. Like music in many forms and languages (even those I don't understand) as well as French comedies, some Spanish films, some Chilean wines, and the most beautiful women on Earth, that is Venezuelan ladies off course! (Including my wife). Have plenty of cities to visit before "departure": Venice, Jerusalem, Seattle, Sydney, etc. Enjoy good conversations. Very thankful for life's blessings
My Interest in Competitive Intelligence is:
Smart, "walking encyclopedia" and knowledgeable have been tags people put on me since as far as I can remember. I do love reading, and "get a kick" from researching companies, business issues, technology or any related area. Looking back at my career, those are the areas I have most enjoyed even when titles had nothing to do with "Competitive Intelligence". So now I am currently planning into moving more directly into the area through a consulting job.
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