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#Elections 2024, #Rigging & #Terrorism - Lets See Who Condemned it

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Here are the concluding points

  1. Imran Khan's party PTI (Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf) won election 2024 with 2/3rd majorityagainst corrupts, terrorist and none-state actors
  2. Peoples of Pakistan 1st time trusted the democratic system to use their right to vote more than 400% than that of in the past since last 75 years
  3. Peoples of Pakistan has openly spoken against the terrorists, #AntiGod, #AntiSemitic, #AntiChristas well as none democratic terrorist networks.
  4. These elections were rigged after 20th hour of election day even #form45 were provided to all contesting candidates from all parties
  5. Internet & social media services are banned in order to hide facts & figures from international community
  6. Members of terrorist organisations helped #AntiGod, #AntiSemitic, #AntiChrist political groups/ parties #PMLN, #PPPP, #ANP/ #BNP/ #BAAP/ #MQM/ #JUIF etc. on and after the election day.
  7. Chief Election Commission, Chief Justice of Pakistan apparently along-with their families were directly involved in the rigging process as pre-poll and post-poll rigging as well as corrupt members of Law enforcement agencies. There are news that these people with their group have got almost billions of rupees for each case against Imran Khan and his party members.
  8. Imran Khan's reputation were tested with hot water to create diversion what he and his former father-in-law (Jewish) family has faced from terrorist organisations , #AntiGod, #AntiSemitic, #AntiChrist political groups/ parties #PMLN, #PPPP, #ANP/ #BNP/ #BAAP/ #MQM/ #JUIFwhich used to call Imran Khan a Jewish agent and other discrimination are still continued.
  9. This #elections2024 also exposed that all corrupts, #AntiGod, #AntiSemitic, #AntiChrist political groups/ parties #PMLN, #PPPP, #ANP/ #BNP/ #BAAP/ #MQM/ #JUIFwere also together what had happened in the past including terrorists activities, genocide the Muslim, the Christians, unprivileged Hindu, political opponents etc. killing foreigners like French Engineers, Chinese Engineers, American Diplomats etc., and all blasphemy acts were just to get money from western and Arab countries
  10. This #elections2024 showed international interest whereas more than 3000 institutions, educational organisations, anti-graft agencies and researchers as well as historians from 120 countries are reviewing the actors who are playing good or bad as an organisation or individual whether holding public offices or government responsibilities in Pakistan, abroad regardless they are from parliament, senate or diplomatic officials, their contributions towards democracy & justice in Pakistan & humanity. Each role and data will be provided or have already been shared with international and regional agencies or institutions to make decision, future credibility and due diligence of a person, leader or organisation.
  11. This elections also showed the peoples are not with current government and her dirty agenda and they want trustful, honest and Pro-God government. And Peoples has rejected kidnapping, killing, raping and murdering by the PDM government which it had done previously
  12. False flag attacks like 9th May drama, sentencing PTI (Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf) members to change their party, promoting fake and illegally created cases against Imran Khan to show western countries that "all corrupts, #AntiGod, #AntiSemitic, #AntiChrist political groups/ parties #PMLN, #PPPP, #ANP/ #BNP/ #BAAP/ #MQM/ #JUIF"are not involved in terrorism or corruption, Or to get amnesty for those corrupts in return of bribe or financial incentive from beneficiaries
  13. On the anti-rigging activism, righteous & true peoples of God around the global raised voice, acknowledged personally, as an institution, organisation, public office holder, researchers and activists, senators, parliamentarians, political leaders etc. A pure hearten-voice for Imran Khan & his party (Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf) workers and people of Pakistan.
  14. Since the elections 2024 turn out showed more than 400% than what had happened in the past history of Pakistan, surely these numbers who voted does not represent few million but hundreds of millions which included 95% Law enforcement agencies, Intelligence personals as the citizens of Pakistan with the population of 220 millions, so no one will make a mistake to go against the wind blow.
  15. This elections also showed that the parties those are involved in rigging directly and are taking the charge of public offices illegally are those who opposed the reform in anti-money laundering and terror financing laws, bills and action recommended by previous PTI government under Financial Action Task Force (FATF) objection to remove Pakistan from grey list.
  16. Since rigging is fully supported by financial terrorists which confirmed that involvement of Pakistan's judiciary members, Pakistan elections commission's members as well as public office holders those have been trying to eradicate PTI members, party & Imran Khan by leveraging anti-human tactics. A good point where all global agencies can detect terrorists, criminals by investigation parties involved in rigging, members of election commission, members of Pakistan's judiciary etc to keep the rest of world safe & sound.
  17. This #elections2024 also showed that people of Pakistan showed keen interest in democracy and its system with the believes that state will be true and meaning as an Islamic Republic of Pakistan instead of terrorists & extremists ideology.
  18. This elections 2024 also showed that the parties involved in crimes like rigging and violations are the actually those have been ruling in the past and been targeting international peace makers organisations and forces from US, Western countries, China and even their own forces for the sake of money and wealth on the bases of evils and lies.
  19. #Elections2024 result were also changed through #form47 (Just announcement by election commission) to bring the people those have paid heavy amount to judiciary, law enforcement agencies to get with visa-free status with a number of countries including first world countries in EU, ASIA & Pacific etc., along with family and relatives by leveraging their diplomatic status which allow them to get settlement in government paid (people's tax money). In previous interim government & especially #PDM (Shahbaz-Zardari) government these blue passport were provided to each & everyone who paid money to ministry of home affairs Pakistan and after they have left the land of Pakistan, their passport were cancelled to help them get immigration on bribery (money) earned in Pakistan. A alarming situation with European Commission Europol European Data Protection Board UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency INTERPOL United Nations Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Financial Action Task Force (FATF) as well as NATO
  20. Another purpose of this rigging is to provide amnesty to the terrorists those have assassinated 100s of peoples ( Liberal journalists, human rights activists, honest members of law enforcement specially investigators and social media activists for human rights, anti-terror, anti-corruption activists) through the various tactics including slow poisoning while forced disappearance, killing using illegal investigation centers & networks, extra-judicial killing via false flag like 9th May 2023.
  21. This elections 2024 shows that people are keen to use #DigitalTransformation media including social media to expose terrorists, corrupts and extremists that is why hypocritical organisations which behind the scene sponsoring the terrorism like Pakistan Peoples Party Parliamentarians #PPPP & #PMLN both of the parties are filing for the banning the social media in Pakistan permanently. The evm (e-voting machine) ban was also the reason to do rigging the way they wanted to.
  22. Netizens & International experts also believes the rigging was facilitated by Chief Election Commission purposely under the instructions of Military Chief COAS Mr. Asim Munir & ISI Chief Nadeem Ahmed Anjum so that at least both of them can extend their tenure (extension) of the current office.
  23. Since Imran Khan has wise strategical relationship with European leadership especially UK & #Scandinavian as well as Arab, Eurasian, North America, China & Russia, which means he can resolve the regional conflicts with peaceful way, this importance does not be liked by corrupts, extremists and terrorists forces, network and personals.
  24. This elections 2024 also showed that Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz #PMLN won 17 seats only out of 342 in National Assembly and formed the government with rigging pattern and similar practice were done in Punjab Assembly too. This all were arranged by corrupts and terrorists in Law Enforcement agencies, bureaucracy & Interim government
  25. Hundreds of activists, journalists and honest officer were assassinated similar Arshad Sharif had been murdered but since he was very much famous that was the reason his case was brought to public & media, rest are still hidden cases by terrorists and their facilitators in Law Enforcement & Judiciary of Pakistan

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