Tactical, Operational & Strategic Analysis of Markets, Competitors & Industries
I just finished reading about INDIGO and along the same lines, Starbucks, in the Saturday (April 9th) Globe and Mail (Toronto...Canada:))...it seems the only way any of these guys can get their minds aaround success, growth, value...is to close shops and fire people! In 2011 there are, it appears, still very few companies who have any sort of "early warnig system" which wwould help aavoid this caatastrophic behaviour; behaaviour which to me is not baased on intelligence and analysis but simpoly "reaction" to their failiing situations. Any thoughts? Or am I just being too Canadian and Socially democratic!?
Cheers, David (GIRIG Inc.)
Yes Monica, you ssound like a Euro Socialist! But that is not such a bad thing. We in Canada are going through yet another government parliament collapse and another election...basicallly to do more of the same...nothing is likely to change, save perhaps more governmental hand outs to corporations to allow them to be even less creative and creat more excuses for that lack of creativity. We in Canada and the U.S. have gone so far out to appease corporate fumbling that we no longer know how to get back. Why would Obama want to "own" another corporatiion!? Rock and a hard place I guess..save jobs, try to stimulate growth and profitability..etc. But my take on your response is basically..."we're doing same old same old". Yet there are still excellent examples of truly great entrepreneurial activites and large corporate proactive thinking....just not enough. What I found appauyling about the Indigo story was that after putting some of the best small book sellers out of buisness, they are now moving further away from books to "toys"...another example of "reaction" to apparent fad pressure with no real long term vision. Someone must have put a bug in their ear however as they have "wisely" chosen to put back the chairs and couches in their stores. Gee mabye they do have a C.I. function. Thanks for your great thoughts Monica...
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