How many CI Bodies of Knowldge do exist?
Introduction and Background:
Recently, the Society of Competitive Intelligence and Dr. John Prescott from the University of Pittsburgh have developed a project called "Competitive Intelligence Body of Knowledge". The BOK in CI is a Competency Framework based on seven domains developed for the CI practitioners ( )
Since 2003, however John Prescott was involved in another study in which I was leading. We call it "World-class CI Function". ( This project could be defined as the body of Knowledge for the Firm (see attached presentation). The model is based on 9 dimension and 49 aspects.
Discussion Purpose:
The purpose for this discussion is looking to other types of body of knowledge (CI BOK) applicable for CI. For instance, do you think that there is a need for a specific CI BOK for decision makers? Is so, which are the key components?
Alessandro Comai