Competitive Intelligence

Tactical, Operational & Strategic Analysis of Markets, Competitors & Industries

If SCIP weren't totally useless and corrupt it would facilitate the creation of a massive open online course (MOOC) for competitive intelligence.   This would lower the barrier-of-entry to CI education and allow for the field to actually grow.   By shifting the CI101 education to online they can then focus on specialized training and developing certifications that actually mean something.

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Embrace the Business Model That Threatens You, by Leonard Fuld.  HBR Blog, May 22, 2013.

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To understand how strategic logic leads readily to such hybrids, consider the results of a recent war game I helped to stage, in which participants sought winning strategies in one fast-changing sector: the US higher education market. Teams playing the roles of traditional large state and non-profit colleges confronted other teams representing the new Massively Open Online Course (MOOCs) and distance learning enterprises....

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Leaked content from SCIPs online “Competitive Intelligence Professional Certification Program” offered jointly with Fuld-Gilad-Herring Academy of Competitive Intelligence.


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