Competitive Intelligence

Tactical, Operational & Strategic Analysis of Markets, Competitors & Industries

I am getting excited for our user group next week. Kicking off is Carmen Medina - Director, Center for the Study of Intelligence, CIA. She will deliver a thought provoking keynote on Enterprise 2.0 and the Context of Work. Watch our twitter channel #tug2009 for notes on the talk. We'll followup with more detail and, hopefully, a copy of the talk. There is every likelihood that this talk will offer many guiding points on how intelligence pros relate to information - and each other - which, perhaps, is exactly the point of the intelligence collaborative. What are your thoughts?


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I think it would be great to reference this event when we're all talking on Oct 22. Can't wait to see the idea stream coming from this. Also, those interested can retweet what you're sending from #tug2009. We can do a "FollowItLive" widget here on Ning so people can watch in real time.

Also, if you have videos from this event which you put up on YouTube, we can embed them here. An "Intel Collab" web presence is underway, but delayed by everybody's "jobs," whatever those are. Ultimately they can live there, too, so people can enjoy.

Too bad Providence is so far up that horrible I-95 - I'd love to be there for this event.

As you point out, this is the point of such a collaborative! Thanks for keeping us up to date on such a pertinent event.
Carmen Medina's talk was excellent. We put up a video of the talk on Enterprise / Intelligence 2.0 and .... She used the example of the electric grid failures to underscore the importance of collaboration - specifically, a need to have a collaborative safety net when process driven systems fail.

I think that in terms of this community: Intelligence isn't necessarily useful if the market process is running at status quo. Intelligence helps create strategic opportunity by identifying scenarios where we can break status quo to our advantage (changing price, launching new product, creating a partnership), or scenarios where status quo is broken for us (competitor is slow to adapt to new market conditions, new invention helps change a market landscape, and so on).

Collaborative intelligence communities can monitor for market events as they are happening and identify events that present such opportunity.
I agree - one question though: Is there ANY market or social institution or ANYTHING operating at a status quo right now? I think this means intelligence is necessary for just about everything.
Bingo! The need for collective and collaborative intelligence is necessary in a constantly shifting market.

Carmen's presentation and discussion of a multi-point, multi-organization failure at an electric grid simply shows how quickly systems fail when a process that rarely breaks does not have a collaborative safety net. This underscores the importance of collaboration to detect issues and opportunities - especially in a volatile process (e.g. your company and the "process" of the market in which it participates.).


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