Competitive Intelligence

Tactical, Operational & Strategic Analysis of Markets, Competitors & Industries

Dean Davison
  • Male
  • San Carlos, CA
  • United States
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Dean Davison's Discussions

Join me in creating standards for competitive sales battle cards!

Started this discussion. Last reply by Glen Brynteson Aug 4, 2011. 7 Replies

Forrester’s sales enablement team is launching a collaborative effort with our clients and other experts to establish standards for competitive battle cards and I invite you to participate – …Continue

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About Me:
My career covers 20 years in the technology industry, most as an analyst at META Group and currently at Forrester Research, but my experience includes two stints running Competitive & Market Research for technology vendors, and a continuous theme of supporting sales teams in all working roles.
My Interest in Competitive Intelligence is:
I am an analyst at Forrester Research serving Sales Enablement Professionals - including sales teams and the supply chain of people and organizations that create content and materials for them - including competitive analysis. My goal is to discuss the role of battle cards and support for sales teams.

Battle Cards for Sales Teams

I would like to kickoff membership with Competitive Intelligence to test a point of view that I've been developing over the past year. While I am not familiar with the types of discussions on this site, I hope that we can have an open, honest, and frank debate!

During my two periods of work in competitive analysis, I focused on the quality of my research and the integrity of my analysis. In my recent work at Forrester, I've seen the challenge that sales reps have trying to internalize all the pieces of information coming at them with product messages, value propositions, customer references, and many other themes along with the dynamics of customer requirements and competitors that the a sales rep must navigate to close business.

What is the responsibility for us as competitive professionals to not only communicate the results of our research and analysis, but to convey the content is a way that sales reps can easily digest it? In working with some leading technology vendors, I am finding that one of two situations is emerging.

First, a new role is emerging for analysts who can communicate with sales reps to adapt research into sales-ready formats, language, points, and counterpoints.

Second, leaders that represent sales (usually in sales ops) are taking responsibility for the quality of battle cards and defining standards for the groups that build them in the first place.

What thoughts do you have about this transition? Have you seen it in your company? What do you believe is the role of analysts to communicate their research in the language of the groups that will consume it - executives, strategists, or sales reps?


Dean Davison's Blog

Battle Cards for Sales Teams

Posted on July 19, 2011 at 11:12pm 1 Comment

I would like to kickoff membership with Competitive Intelligence to test a point of view that I've been developing over the past year. While I am not familiar with the types of discussions on this site, I hope that we can have an open, honest, and frank debate!

During my two periods of work in competitive analysis, I focused on the quality of my research and the integrity of my analysis. In my recent work at Forrester, I've seen the challenge that sales reps have trying to… Continue

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