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my trip back was easy - only my suitcase took two days longer...
I don't know how this will end but yesterday Eric Garland twittered that each and every day 20.000 people die of cancer - to get this swine flu panic into perspective. :-/
Anyway: I hope you get well soon!
Great to see you in BJ last week - see you at SCIP Chicago!
- Arik
We are in Shanhai at Sofitel in Pudong. Could meet early this evening! 7-9 for dinner.
Email me at mmatteo@att.net
Martha (and Arik)
There are 8 sessions in the 2-day meeitng. Arik is a sponsor of the event and he and I will both be speaking. One session will be presented by George Zhang of the Shanghai Library.
One question: Have you seen the program? I think it will be very interesting and am excited about presenting. I have the possibility of bringing out some copies of the recent SCIP publication: "Starting a Competitive Intelligence Function." It is expensive to ship so I could make it available at the member (if you are one) or non-member price without the shipping costs (it weighs about 3 lbs!!) Would you be interested in having a personal copy? If so, let me know and I will have one for you. I will be at the Sofitel Hotel in Pudong if youdo not come to the conference, though it would be great if you could!!
I would like to meet you, if possible, during my upcoming trip to Shanghai. Arik Johnson and I will be speaking at the Eurasia Society meeting on CI onMarch 2,3. It will be my first trip to China and I am hoping to meet some new friends.
I have been active in Scip for many years, most recently as President of the Society in 2007. I have a lot to learn about china. this symposium will be based upon CI as it is practied in the west and I am hopeful that it will at least provoke discussion among your colleagues.
If youwant to learn more about the confference, please see the listing on page one of htis website.
With wawrm regards,
Martha R. Matteo, Ph.D
Let me know if you wanna come to golf sometime.
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