Dr. Qingjiu (Tom) Tao is an assistant professor of management in the college of business and economics at James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA. He received his Ph.D. in Strategic Management and International Business from University of Pittsburgh in 2004. He served on the editorial board of JCIM (Journal of Competitive Intelligence and Management) from 2003 to 2009. His research on alliance portfolio and competitive intelligence has been published in Strategic Management Journal and Competitive Intelligence Review. He was one of the pioneers in introducing the concept of Competitive Intelligence into China at mid 1990s. His groundbreaking work on a survey of competitive intelligence practices has been cited by many CI researchers. He has spoken at Annual conferences of SCIP (society of competitive intelligence professional) and taught classes on CI at University of Pittsburgh. He is also a founding member of SCIC (society of competitive intelligence of China).
Started from 1998, his research has been focused on the automobile market in China. His early effort was on the market entry and post-entry development of multinational auto firms in China’s emerging market. More recently, his research interests rest on the outward auto FDI from China to external markets. He is also an active researcher of the IMVP (International Motor Vehicle Program) hosted by MIT and Wharton School.
As a dedicated researcher and independent observer of the Chinese automobile market, Dr. Tao has been travelling extensively in China and established contacts with auto executives, industry experts, auto-focused research centers as well as universities. He has been to most of the major auto shows in China and participated in key industry forums in recent years. Over time, he has built a significant data archive regarding the history as well as the current development of China’s auto market. He has spoken at the Wharton School, Dartmouth, University of Tokyo, University of Michigan, AutoUni—VW and testified before the congressional US. -China Economic and Security Review Commission on China’s auto industry.
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