Competitive Intelligence

Tactical, Operational & Strategic Analysis of Markets, Competitors & Industries

Benchmarking with the World-Class Competitive Intelligence Model!

Do the managers that fund your competitive intelligence (CI) function ask how your company’s CI function stacks up against world class standards? Providing fact-based evidence of how your CI function compares to world-class standards has several benefits. First, you can evaluate your CI function across nine (9) dimensions that define world class standards. Second, you can isolate aspects within each dimension that can be targeted for improvement. Finally, you can develop an action plan to enhance your CI capability that maximizes your investment by applying project management tools in a cost effective manner.

Since 2003, a team of two CI experts, Alessandro Comai and Dr. John Prescott ( have been working on a research project to build a model that crystallizes the key aspect of a world-class CI function. The model is based on multi-methods employing both qualitative and quantitative research with several US and European firms known for their CI best practices. Pharmaceutical, Oil and Gas, Aerospace, Industrial and Insurance companies successfully utilized the model.

One of the outcomes of our model is a diagnostic tool which provides a set of norms to evaluate the extent that your CI function is similar to and different from other organizations. Our norms are based on the profiles of more than 120 organizations from the USA, Europe, South Africa, Australia and Latin America.

We are seeking your assistance to complete our questionnaire so we can further develop our norms to enhance the validity of our model. Your participation is very important. As a token of our appreciation, you will have free access to the tool and get receive our current norm report.

If you are interested in benchmarking your CI function please follow the link:

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Comment by Alessandro Comai on December 9, 2009 at 10:02am

We are proud to announce that our benchmark study has achieved 150 companies few weeks ago. Several companies have been very active in participating and recognizing the value add of the tool. I hope that we will get more companies involved. If you are interested in participating go to: and send us a request.

I would also communicate that SCIP10 will hold our successful workshop about “How to develop a World-Class CI function”. Who may interested, in this interactive half-day workshop please download the brochure at:

Best regards
Comment by Arik Johnson on January 16, 2009 at 11:09am
This is great Alessandro - thanks very much - I'll get in touch with John as well and reply on next steps by email to you both.

More soonest,

- Arik
Comment by Alessandro Comai on January 16, 2009 at 10:47am
Hi Arik,

Thanks for your kind invitation. I will be glad to assist you in this proyect which seems to me very interesting. I will be in Chicago in April, 20 until 26. So please make reservation. I would also suggest to invite John Prescott to the discussion. He is the co-outhor of the model.

By the way John and I will run a workshop in Chicago. (see:

Comment by Arik Johnson on January 15, 2009 at 2:59pm
Hi Alessandro - are you planning to be in Chicago? We're hoping to put together a special meeting for volunteers of the CIF's new Scorecard program to discuss best practice benchmark models and, as I mentioned in Rome, we're hoping to use yours as the basis for SCIP's. Please let me know if you have some time to discuss in the weeks to come.

- Arik

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