Competitive Intelligence

Tactical, Operational & Strategic Analysis of Markets, Competitors & Industries

Dear all
The i-intelligence team has pulled together a Taxonomy of OSINT Sources for you.

What constitutes an open source of intelligence? How many of these sources do you consult in the course of your work? And what format do they take?

These questions are not without merit. They inevitably pop up in the course of a seminar or consulting assignment. To help answer them, the i-intelligence team has pulled together a “Taxonomy of OSINT Sources”.

The taxonomy is intended to serve a number of purposes:
- As a teaching tool to support our students and seminar participants
- As a source guide for intelligence practitioners (whether publicly or privately employed)
- As an aid to the various OSINT-related research projects we are working on

Please have a look at: (includes a visualization)

As always.... please have a look and feel free to use and share the "i-intelligence Taxonomy of OSINT Sources" if you like it. We love to help!

Kind regards from sunny Switzerland
Corine and the i-intelligence Team

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