Competitive Intelligence

Tactical, Operational & Strategic Analysis of Markets, Competitors & Industries

Suki Fuller
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  • waychen
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  • John M. Koval III

Suki Fuller's Discussions

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Started this discussion. Last reply by Nimalan Feb 25, 2009. 1 Reply

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Suki Fuller

Profile Information

About Me:
Intelligence Studies Degree, Army Vet, with experience in many sectors worldwide; pharmaceuticals, health care (US & UK), automotive, tech, telecom, natl sec, finance, academics (I designed, implemented and taught a Business Mgt program for Shandong University of Technology in Zibo, China for one year). I'm a holder of the blue & burgundy books...have lived on 5 continents and love to travel.
My Interest in Competitive Intelligence is:
...Diverse and varied. What can I say? I have insatiable curiosity! Hold a deep love for competitive intelligence which for me starts with the people. Maybe that would be why...being a primary collector is my fave and using those emergent strategic people skills...

Comment Wall (11 comments)

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At 8:30am on November 22, 2009, George Zhang said…
Glad to meet you in Shanghai.
At 12:12pm on February 4, 2009, steve chen said…
nice picture
At 11:56am on January 29, 2009, John M. Koval III said…

Judging by your Twitter-related enthusiasm, I think you'd find this post very interesting.

Great listening to you yesterday. Take care.

At 7:00am on January 18, 2009, Gary Lim said…
Hi Suki,

It is good to hear from you. Yes, I will be at the SCIP09 conference in Chicago. See you there. Where are you working now? Have you practiced your tennis, I mean the virtual tennis. You played like one of the Williams sisters. If there is one in SCIP09 exhibit, I would like to challenge you.
At 1:34pm on January 17, 2009, Nimalan said…
Thanks so much for replying. Am interested in the Masters program. Would like to know if it is suitable for someone who has done some CI to learn more about the subject. I do have a lot of questions and if you could give me your email address I can mail them to you. You could drop me a test mail on if you prefer.
Thanks again.
At 6:45am on January 17, 2009, Nimalan said…
Hi Suki, I see that you went to Mercyhurst. I would like to know a little more about their programme on Intelligence. Would be grateful for any advice on this.

At 7:12pm on August 5, 2008, Ken Sawka said…
Hey Suki! OK, so I'm finally starting to get a handle on this social networking stuff! I may have to ask you to teach me how to twitter!
At 6:33am on August 3, 2008, Andrew Beurschgens said…
Hello Suki, fantastic to link up again outside of the conference calls. Hoping that you have overcome your illness in and around the last call. A lot of traffic gets generated here in a lot of the free style structure suitable for the content and the medium. We could all tap into here as a source to the answers sought. Enjoy the day!
At 11:56am on June 30, 2008, Colleen Meeker said…
Hey Suki, nice picture!
At 10:27am on June 30, 2008, Arik Johnson said…
Hey Suki! Good to see you here!

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