Competitive Intelligence

Tactical, Operational & Strategic Analysis of Markets, Competitors & Industries

As SCIP invests in the future as a truly global anchor, haven and launch pad for everything CI, it becomes ever so clear that all of us (the members, stakeholders and supporters of this profession) are granted a historic opportunity.

As Michael Belkine emphasized in his speech on SCIP's strategy in Rome this week, we all need to start asking ourselves where and how we can actively contribute to the strategic goals of this association and the community behind, in Michael’s words, quoting JFK’s famous motivational invitation to build a better nation many years ago: “what we can do for SCIP and its members…” in return to and complimenting SCIP’s investment.

SCIP, as outlined in another speech this week is not only what the SCIP staff implements, the SCIP board represents and the strategy formulates, according to Joe Goldberg’s opening address to the European SCIP Summit 2008; SCIP is US.

This platform here (not to forget others recently implemented by SCIP and many CI professionals) has the potential to bridge geographical boundaries so it is only logical to utilize them for idea global gathering and to get international momentum going.

In this regard I was wondering how many ideas, requests and improvement potential we could gather in a discussion focusing on the further internationalization aspect of SCIP. In short: what can and should be done to achieve wider spread and to unleash the power of the energy global CI professionals could inject into SCIP’s activities and programs. Regardless of heritage or membership state this should be close to every CI supporter’s heart. “ONE SCIP” can only happen with our ongoing contribution and a constant flow of ideas and expressed requirements. With this in mind I’d like to start this discussion with some ideas I’d like to bring forward.

1. Countries without a regular association (chapter or affiliation to SCIP or independent) could be supported with local country champions who might pioneer the local effort to grow into something bigger in time. These local champions could be supported by assigned SCIP board member mentors.

2. Local chapters and affiliates could hook up among each other utilizing interaction technology. An effort in this direction is being done by SCIA, the Swiss Competitive Intelligence Association on November 11 by running an interactive Webinar session featuring Martha Matteo on Benchmarking. Martha will address the SCIA members who meet in Zurich via a live conference, SCIP members world-wide can dial in via the well known Webinar format. An exchange across chapters and affiliations could copy this format.

3. Platforms like this one here (thanks Arik and anyone supporting!) should be role modelled by anyone who wants to play an active role in the global CI community. Or start their own blogs, wiki’s and other Web 2.0 formats to gather CI professional’s combines energy and thoughts.

What other ideas can we come up with…?

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