Competitive Intelligence

Tactical, Operational & Strategic Analysis of Markets, Competitors & Industries

Competitive Intelligence Symposium in Brussels on 13 December

See below. No cost to attend.


Competitive Intelligence in European Business

Gap analysis and ways forward

13 December 2011

Hosted by

the Permanent Representation of Spain

Boulevard du Regent, Brussels

Organised by

the EU-Funded Competitive Intelligence

in Trade and Export (CITEX) Consortium

An Open Symposium

Free of Charge

Competitive Intelligence (CI) is potentially vital capability and asset in the increasingly competitive international economic environ­ment in which European firms must compete. Competitive intelligence is about more than just market research and competitor analysis. Is more than just body of techniques and principles, originally developed and honed in the rigours of the national security field. Competitive intelligence is a comprehensive paradigm for undertaking research, analysis and long-term knowledge-management in order to support well-informed and robust commercial decision making. Intelligence is actionable information for decision advantage and competitive intelligence is about using intelligence to make firms more competitive.

Competitive Intelligence in European Business is a half-day symposium open to all, free of charge. Its goal will be to:

• Evaluate the development and delivery of competitive intelligence amongst European businesses engaged in international trade;

• Examine the requirements and priorities of European firms for the core CI competencies and range of techniques;

• Assess what parts of the CI lexicon are best suited to small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs);

• Review the latest techniques and resources for CI training;

• Articulate conclusions and recommendations on key future directions for CI and CI training in order to best serve European SMEs in the 21st Century.

CITEX is a partnership of organisations funded by a Leonardo da VinciLifelong Learning Grant from the European Commission. The Spanish Institute for Trade and Export (ICEX) are coordinators. Partners are locatedall over Europe and comprise both research organizations with cuttingedge competence in competetetive intelligence; business support centers with first-hand knowledge of SMEs needs; and educational institutions specialized in pedagogy and learning.

The conference is cofinanced by the European Commission, Leonardo da Vinci Lifelong Learning Programme


Time 13th December 2011, 09.00-13.30

Venue The Permanent Representation of Spain - Boulevard du Regent, 52, Brussels

09.00 Registration

09.20 Welcome and Introduction Isaac Martin from the Spanish Institute for Trade and Export (ICEX). Head

Economic and Commercial Counsellor at the Spanish embassy in Ankara Turkey.

09.30 Panel 1: Competitive Intelligence in Europe – a Situation Report

1. The State of the Art in Europe – Good News and Bad

Andrew Brunatti, consultant and researcher on Competitive Intelligence.

2. CI Training: Receptiveness and Requirements amongst European SMEs

Dr. Philip H.J. Davis Director of Center for Intelligence and Security Studies at

Brunel University London UK.

3. Experiences from the field – CI and business support in Brussels

Juan Manuel Revuelta, Director of the Brussels import agency Brussels Enterprises Commerce and Industry (BECI), also former Director General of

Valencia Regional Office in Brussels.

11.00 Coffee Break

11.15 Panel 2: New Opportunities and Initiatives in Competitive Intelligence

1. How does EU promote European business abroad and what are the needs of

competitive intelligence?

Wojciech Sopinski, Policy Officer at DG Enterprise and Industry specialized in International dimension of SMEs.

2. New Media for New Techniques: On-Line Resources for CI

CITEX website team.

3. Improving Training for the Trainers – A Competitive Advantage in

Competitive Intelligence?

Javier Carrero, Responsible for R&D projects and technological consulting at Euradia, Madrid, Spain

12.45 Roundtable: Conclusions and Recommendations


Register to, at latest 8 December


For further questions, please contact Gustavo Diaz at the Spanish Institute for Foreign Trade, on or +34 600541465

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Correction: 13 December

It seems Competitive Intelligence Symposium in Brussels is going to be extraordinary. I wish to get out report on the Symposium.

Best regards

good luck with the event and I welcome you sharing a visit report


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