Competitive Intelligence

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SLA CI Division Conference June 13-15 Features Over 20 CI Speakers

If you are in or near Philadelphia next week, we hope to see you at SLA's annual conference. The CI Division will present over 20 CI speakers, from Dr. Craig S. Fleisher to Eric Garland, John McGonagle, Arik Johnson, August Jackson, Cliff Kalb, Toni Wilson, Seena Sharp, Ellen Naylor and more. The conference has a virtual registration for $250.00 if you aren't able to be in Philadelphia. See for more information.

Or submit a proposal to speak at the 2012 conference ... we are looking for new ideas and speakers. New formats at this year's conference are an Unconference led by Dr. Craig S. Fleisher, an Intelligence Cafe with 10 CI topics led by 12 CI speakers, a panel on the Myths of CI, and an Open House with Pecha Kucha presentations on how SLA members use CI. Next year we plan to offer a central theme and Spotlight session on Collaborative Intelligence and are looking for key speakers to address that topic. Get in touch if you're interested in proposing a topic or wish to appear on that panel.


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I look forward to seeing you Claudia, and want to thank you for all the hard work you put into leading the conference planning for the CI Division to make this a successful SLA Conference! Here's to you!

See you there Claudia and Ellen. 

Note I will talk about CI software in the exhibit hall on 6/14 at 10:00A. Too bad I could not make the SLA CI conference panel this year :-)


BTW Eric Garland will be bringing along copies of his latest book, "How to Predict the Future...and Win."

I am not sure where he will be signing it and will add to this note when I find out!

See you at SLA 2011!


Hi Ellen


Yes, I just heard  that book signing will be in the AuroraWDC booth! Thanks for the reminder. 


Hi Chris


Yes, I think it's great that SLA is giving additional space at the association wide level for a talk on CI.  That indicates to me that CI is becoming more important to SLA and its members.  Each division has a limit of 6 sessions maximum, so we can't always fit everything in we would like to do.  So I am glad you got CI some more bandwidth, Chris! See you at the conference, and good luck with your talk.  I am sure that many of the CID and other SLA members will attend.




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