Competitive Intelligence

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Early Warning - Predicting the next high profile, mass casualty terrorist attacks

Matrix to predict the next high profile, mass casualty terrorist attacks:-

On 10/12 ie October 12th 2002 I created this Matrix to predict the next high profile, mass casualty terrorist attacks.

USA-September 11, 2001--------------------------9/11

Bali, Indonesia October 12, 2002 ----------------10/12

According to my Matrix the high profile, mass casualty terrorist attacks took place as predicted by my Matrix :-

Madrid, Spain-March 11, 2004---------------------3/11

Paris, France, November 13, 2015 ---------------11/13

The next high profile, mass casualty terrorist attacks will happen on these dates :-

12/14 - December 14th
1/3 - January 3rd
2/4 - February 4th
3/5 - March 5th
4/6 - April 6th
5/7 - May 7th
6/8 - June 8th
7/9 - July 9th
8/10 - August 10th

12/11 - December 11th
6/11 - June 11th
7/11 - July 11th

1/15 - January 15th
2/16 - February 16th
3/17 - March 17th
4/18 - April 18th
5/19 - May 19th
6/20 - June 20th
7/21 - July 21st
8/22 - August 22nd

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Comment by Vivek Raghuvanshi on March 22, 2018 at 1:06pm

Alternative Hypothesis:- There is a high degree of Correlation between the next high profile, mass casualty terrorist attacks and these dates on my Matrix because:-

High profile mass casualty terrorist attacks have taken place on these dates

USA-September 11, 2001--------------------------9/11

Bali, Indonesia October 12, 2002 ----------------10/12

Madrid, Spain-March 11, 2004---------------------3/11

Paris, France, November 13, 2015 ---------------11/13

Hence there is a High Probability x High Impact scenario that the next high profile, mass casualty terrorist attacks will happen on these dates :-

12/14 - December 14th
1/3 - January 3rd
2/4 - February 4th
3/5 - March 5th
4/6 - April 6th
5/7 - May 7th
6/8 - June 8th
7/9 - July 9th
8/10 - August 10th

12/11 - December 11th
6/11 - June 11th
7/11 - July 11th

1/15 - January 15th
2/16 - February 16th
3/17 - March 17th
4/18 - April 18th
5/19 - May 19th
6/20 - June 20th
7/21 - July 21st
8/22 - August 22nd

Comment by Vivek Raghuvanshi on March 22, 2018 at 1:06pm

Null Hypothesis:- There is no Correlation between the next high profile, mass casualty terrorist attacks and these dates on my Matrix .

Because no high profile mass casualty terrorist attacks have taken place on these dates below:-

12/14 - December 14th
1/3 - January 3rd
2/4 - February 4th
3/5 - March 5th
4/6 - April 6th
5/7 - May 7th
6/8 - June 8th
7/9 - July 9th
8/10 - August 10th

12/11 - December 11th
6/11 - June 11th
7/11 - July 11th

1/15 - January 15th
2/16 - February 16th
3/17 - March 17th
4/18 - April 18th
5/19 - May 19th
6/20 - June 20th
7/21 - July 21st
8/22 - August 22nd

Hence there is a Low Probability that attacks will take place on these dates. But if the attacks do take place on these dates then it has High Impact ie Low Probability x High Impact scenario

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