Competitive Intelligence

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How to Gain Influence: Competitive Intelligence and Your Klout Score

The topic du jour? The social CEO.

Hootsuite is on top of it, and Mashable even has a series about CEOs using social media to present their personal brand in innovative ways. The days when the only team member working on social media happened to be an intern, are over. Everyone – founders, early employees, and investors – are essential in developing the voice of the company and becoming industry influencers.

Influence has always been important, even in days before social media (if you can remember back that far). Now, however, with social media being so prevalent, and with algorithms that actually measure influence, it has become even more critical, and not just for hotel upgrades and faster customer service.

Klout, a San Francisco startup, ranks every person online in terms of influence. Your score is between 1-100 with the average Klout Score being 40. Users with a score of 63 are in the top 5% of all users.

How does Klout work?

Read More Here. 

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