Competitive Intelligence

Tactical, Operational & Strategic Analysis of Markets, Competitors & Industries

Key Success Factors for Future Competitive Success

Key Success Factors [KSFs] could be:

1. Product attributes
2. Competencies
3. Competitive capabilities
4. Market achievements

Having greatest impact on future competitive success in the markets.

1. It could be technological expertise or scientific research in high technology industries such as pharmaceuticals or telecommunications.

2. It could be proven ability of an organisation to develop its production process where new emerging technology results in the organisation attaining higher manufacturing efficiency and achieve reduced production costs.

3. It could be an ability of an organisation to achieve economies of scale and through learning curve effects.

4. It could be quality control expertise

5. It could be high utilisation of fixed assets

6. It could be access to skilled workforce

7. It could be higer labor productivity

8. It could be achieving lower costs in product design and engineering

9. It could be an ability of an organisation to provide tailor made solutions.

10. It could be a strong distribution network

11. It could be strong sales and marketing capability of an organisation

12. It could be depth in organisation's product line or product selection

13. It could be its brand name

14. It could be its timely technical assistance to customers

15. It could be customer service

16. It could be product innovation capability

17. It could be design expertise

18. It could be quicker delivery time capability

19. It could be logistics and supply chain management capability

20. It could be strong e-commerce capability

21. It could be suitable locations

22. It could be patent protection.

These are some of the Key Success Factors on which the future competitive success of an organisation depends.

cited by:

Advisor, Corporate Risks

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