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Michael A. McDonnell, CPP, CFE (Ret)
  • Male
  • Copperas Cove, TX
  • United States
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  • FilipeAlvesFerreira

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Profile Information

About Me:
I am a self-employed licensed Private Investigator and Insurance Investigator who, since 1982, has investigated insurance fraud, Workman's Compensation Claim fraud and other criminal and fraudulent acts committed against private business and private persons for clients throughout the United States, Canada and England. I also conduct background and fraud investigations on contract with various agencies and contractors of the US Government and carry credentials from the FBI, OPM, DIA, NSA and Customs and Border Patrol. As a Security Consultant I have advised Federal, State and Private clients in the ways and means of protecting their assets, buildings and persons from internal and external attack.

My military background includes Infantry and Military Intelligence assignments in Europe, Vietnam and the United States with tours as an Intelligence Instructor at DoD and Army Command schools. I was trained at the U S Army Military Intelligence School, the NATO Intelligence School in Federal Republic of Germany, and the Royal British Military Intelligence Academy. In turn, I have trained military and civilian personnel in Military Intelligence specialties in Europe and the United States. My world-wide assignments in both the Infantry and Military Intelligence Branches gave me a unique perspective into terrorism as it has evolved to the present time, and has also allowed me to bring to my clients a unique perspective in the investigation of, and protection against, criminal and fraudulent acts.

While assigned in the military I wrote manuals, plans and procedures to protect installations against conventional criminal and terrorist attacks, and have written plans and designed systems to protect federal, state and private enterprise facilities. He has authored articles and studies on physical and personal security throughout his career and has spoken at civic organizations and professional seminars on the ways and means business owners and managers can protect their enterprises from internal and external attack.

I am certified as a Certified Fraud Examiner by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners and also certified as a Certified Protection Professional, by the American Society for Industrial Security.

He is the current Training Officer for the Central Texas Chapter of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners and is a former Chairman of the Central Texas Chapter of the American Society for Industrial Security.

In 38 years of specialized experience both in the Federal Government (U. S. Army Military Intelligence), State Government (Texas) and in civilian industry, I have:
• Contracted to conduct Personnel Security Investigations (SSBI; BI; PR; NACLC; SPIN) as a Special Investigator (Contract Investigator) for Federal Government Agencies;
• Investigated fraud and other criminal acts and managed the protection of materiel and personnel assets;
• Supervised the conduct of investigations of terrorist threats, other criminal acts and violations including discovery of fraud;
• Liasoned with foreign and domestic Law Enforcement and Intelligence Agencies;
• Designed, published and supervised Loss Prevention programs;
• Directly supervised employees, contract personnel, Federal and State civilian employees and military personnel:
• Provided physical and electronic security to National Guard armories, campuses, retail outlets, hospitals, housing projects, airfields, and Federal secure sites, identified potential breaches of security and recommended changes and corrections;
• Inspected secure sites, government and commercial information storage facilities and commercial plants and offices to evaluate vulnerability and compliance with security and safety regulations;
• Instructed, and supervised the instruction of Military Intelligence and other students as Agents,
Analysts, Interrogators, Image Interpreters and Security Managers.

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At 2:39pm on March 28, 2009, FilipeAlvesFerreira said…
Hi Michael,
How are you my happy friend ?
Have you get the time to evaluate the new wealth space which may be treated by the money datevaluation practice ?
Take a look please.
At 8:50pm on February 6, 2009, FilipeAlvesFerreira said…
Hi Michael,
Thanks for having comment my "Gool-Bama-Cash".
I'm serious with the proposal for upgrading the Classic Economy by the money datevaluation practice which is a real personal motor-for-savings.
Best regards/FilipeAlvesFerreira#4(1942)

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