Competitive Intelligence

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20th May: Andrew White “CI support of early research and the changing roles of the CI specialist”

Event Details

20th May: Andrew White “CI support of early research and the changing roles of the CI specialist”

Time: May 20, 2014 from 6:30pm to 10pm
Location: Restaurant Au Premier, room Les Trouvailles in Zürich’s main station
Event Type: ci, professionals, -, knowledge, sharing, and, networking
Organized By: Marcel Brussee
Latest Activity: Feb 3, 2017

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Event Description

It is our great pleasure to invite you to the next event organized by the Swiss Competitive Intelligence Association:

CI support of early research and the changing roles of the CI specialist”

Andrew White, Novartis

Restaurant Au Premier, room Les Trouvailles 

in Zürich’s main station

Tuesday, May 20th at 6:30 PM. 

Andrew joined Novartis ten years ago as a Science & Technology Analyst and after two years took over as Competitive Intelligence Manager. Before that, for four years he worked as a Senior Patent Analyst at Thomson Derwent (now Thomson Reuters), therefore he has an information analysis/management background. 

Since joining Novartis, Andrew has worked in a group whose key stakeholders include the Project managers, Translational medicine specialists and senior management within Research. His team has undergone a number of reorganizations and the changing roles/behaviours of both the CI specialist and the end user/client and the need to be adaptable is something Andrew will talk about as part of the presentation.  

Andrew's group has always supported early research - from the initiation of a new project through to proof-of-concept in early clinical trials - and Andrew will share his experiences from working with early research partners, with a particular focus on projects based on secondary sources and with a limited budget.  

Andrew will also discuss how his team along with other CI groups within Novartis have set up a community of practice to share best practices amongst the different groups, and will give advice on how to encourage greater interaction from the client so that a massive amount of information could be turned into something more actionable, into intelligence. 

I am sure that every CI professional will find Andrew's insights interesting - even if you have no exposure to pharmaceutical or health care industry. 

If this all sounds attractive to you, please use the following link for the Event Registration. In doing so, you can significantly help us with the planning of the event.

We look forward to welcoming you at this event.

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