Competitive Intelligence

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Harvard and the Washington Post: Leaders should outsource jobs to China and sell to the wealthy!

Dear colleagues, I think we can see the roots of the intellectual sclerosis that has led us to this economic precipice.

There is a new blog on "leadership" in the Washington Post, a partnership with Harvard Business School. It is entitled "The Intelligent Leader." Please, PLEASE, let me know if I am the only one who finds sad humor in this. Recent insights from this blog:

You should really consider manufacturing overseas!

Looking for a new market? Try selling to the increasing numbers of wealthy people!

How to spur big, new growth - quickly and profitably!

These posts are dated in the past few days - during the economic meltdown.

I'm not normally spurred to post on purely negative material, but this seems to be a good example of hard it is to get people to react to a changing environment. Could you possibly have more signs of a radical shift than the last week? If so, then how could any editor, any writer, any thinking person at these organizations think that the buzzwords of three to eight years ago would have value? How could Harvard Business School and the Washington Post put their names on this stuff, and post it on the Sunday website as some kind of special feature?

You will all be going forth to inform leaders of uncomfortable information, hopefully to help people take advantage of opportunities and avoid bad outcomes. If catastrophe isn't enough to get people thinking new, useful thoughts, what will?

God speed in your journeys.

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