Competitive Intelligence

Tactical, Operational & Strategic Analysis of Markets, Competitors & Industries

I would like to pick up on a discussion that Martha and I had back at Euro-SCIP07: What if executive support for the CI function and activities stops for reasons of management change or personal reasons or any other?

My spontaneous response back then was that if the CI function depends on rather weak links and thus is poised to fail whenever instable situations question necessity or the value of CI, then there must have been some flaws in setting it up in a value adding fashion.

A couple of ideas besides the constant internal promotion effort and nurturing executive sponsorhip through value delivery:

A couple of simple surveys do the trick for me where I can easily calculate time saved through automated, structured information gathering (asking our marketers: "How many hours a week do you save through tools A, B and C...?". Theoretically monetizing the time savings in a bigger organization (e.g. 1 hour per week saves us almost CHF 2mio net with 600 marketers who I serve) isn't money in your pocket but a solid argument if compared to what my position costs the company.

In a rather sophisticated exercise I also gathered input on operational CI functions (process, deliverables, culture, organization, tools, etc.) and visualized the status quo, compared to best practice I have gathered over the years and was able to easily motivate executives to own the gap filling initiatives.

Another pre-requisit to nurture this important executive buy-in is to be known as the quickest or (in a best case scenario) the only source for crucial decision supporting insights.

I'd be eager to gather more ideas in this forum, see Matha's response after the show for reference:

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