Competitive Intelligence

Tactical, Operational & Strategic Analysis of Markets, Competitors & Industries

Do you have a blog? If so, please list your feed and I'll aggregate them here.

Reply to this post with your blog feed (or address if you're not sure of the feed URL) and I'll aggregate them together here on the site.

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Hello Arik

I have a blog to talk about Competitive Intelligence in Portuguese for Brazilians and Portuguese friends from Portugal and others countries who speak Portuguese. Here the link:

At this blog I post news, articles, about SCIP, their members and topics from our discussion in these community.
All the best,
Alfredo Passos

Thanks for the suggestion to aggregate the CI blogs. My blog is the definitive home of competitive intelligence insight, telecom punditry and bad spelling:
Hi Arik,

my blog on CI is mostly in German language. It was first started as an add-on to my first book, in the meanwhile I cover CI and intelligence-related subjects for German-speaking readers.

Here is the link:

Kind regards,
Andreas Romppel
Hi Arik,
I do not have a blog, instead I have a "kind of" website.
You can access it both in Portuguese and in English.
Updates are rare due to the amount (fortunately) of work I have but I intend to be more disciplined in the future ;-).
My blog is, a blog on marketing science written in italian language.

The web address is:
Claudio Iacovelli
The Swiss Competitive Intelligence Association's interactive blog and forum:
Hi Arik,

I have a blog, but it is mostly in Spanish. The main theme of the blog is CI and how it can be used or how it could have been used for improving the performance of companies.

Best regards,

Hi Arik,

Great idea!
Here's my humble addition

Thanks everybody for the suggestions so far - I've got most of them compiled into a "pipe" that I'm merging and feeding onto the left sidebar of the Ning site now, but might move that around a little. Here are a few more that I've found:

Any others, I'll be sure to add them soonest.

- Arik
Hi Arik,

Thanks for the suggestion.
I have a blog, dealing with CI issues.

It is in the Hebrew language.

Thanks Giora - I think I got it - I'm using Yahoo! Pipes to aggregate these and there is a Babelfish filter to do on-the-fly translation but Hebrew unfortunately is not one of the languages supported. Nonetheless, I will try and pull the RSS feed.


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