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Looking for US equity of approx 20 Million USD on a 500 Million USD Project

The client has negotiated a 100yr lease in a Caribbean country with the government for approx 4,500 acres of pristine beachfront on the island. The client has been working very closely with the Ministry of Tourism to put this project together. The client has also been working closely with the US government through OPIC (Overseas Private Investment Corp). OPIC is chartered with helping US companies to invest in developing countries. While this is a $500m+ project, we are currently focused on phase I which will cost $60-$70m. To finance this phase the client is working with a number of different entities to reduce risk and increase our chances of success. To date the client has been able to get OPIC on-board (LOI) for $30m, Banque Nationale de Credit (verbal) $10m. The client is looking for US equity of approx $20m to complete the financing. In addition to funds, OPIC will also provide political risk insurance. The client also has a US B+ rated insurance company which is willing to provide financial risk insurance, protecting the principal and interest of our equity partner. Ultimately, this project will provide more than 7,000 jobs on the island and we believe will significantly improve the quality of life for the residents of the island and many others. It will be a very significant project and has the potential to create a new world class destination.

Vivek Raghuvanshi

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