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Rolling Stone blows open Army usage of Pych Ops on other Americans

Any of you folks with IC experience want to comment on this?

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You know Monica,


It is so shameful of Jann Wenner, not to respect US Army and belittle US Army


Maybe it would be a good idea if Jann Wenner links to terrorists and terrorist funding are investigated

Christianity and Islam in the Modern World - Stephen Cheney

Some Moslems speak for peace, some for war. But no one alone speaks for all of Islam. Every individual is only responsible for their own selves, their beliefs, what they understand of those beliefs, and what they do about anything. No group within Islam speaks for all of Islam, and that is the same for all religions. Christianity for instance, has fought wars over the issue of being the only true religion of the Christian church; Catholic, Protestant and other, looking at all those who differed: sentenced them to heresy, condemnation, torture and death. For Christianity at least, that was its past when it sought to dominate the world, and one could say that it succeeded in obtaining the dominant position. For its missionaries, backed by troops, it was Christianity or nothing. Nowadays Christianity has eased away from using violence to enforce faith. The inquisition is no longer with us, though it still has an office in the Vatican, it members only push paper, not heretic carts.
The faith situation is complicated. An individual in any religion can be noble and for peace, whether or not the overall religion is for peace, for peaceful domination (evangelism, immigration) or for a violent domination of others. The large religions are not a Unity in themselves, they have factions, often angrily opposed to each other. The majority of Christians prefer peace, that is, to live in compassion with their fellow man (and women) no matter what other religions others follow. Many Moslems are the same. All these make useful and harmonious citizens of any nation.

It is often the leaders of a religious faction, just like the leading group (political or military) in any nation, that stir up trouble and launch riots or wars. When a teaching is, that their religion is the only true one and that all others are therefore heretics who must be suppressed: Those who are taught this, often cannot psychologically deal with the dilemma in their own minds: That if this world was truly made by and is run by ‘their’ God, then how can they stand to have others living around them whose beliefs and actions conform to yet some other god? There is alarm at a pretender to the throne. There is a competition between gods only where there are claims to exclusive rule. The key to it all is that: A competition or war between gods translates, Through The Priesthood, into a competition or war between men.

Some cultures believe in many gods, such as the Hindus, some believe in One God alone, for Jews it is the Yahweh of the Old Testament, for Christians it is the same but reappraised through the eyes of another prophet, Jesus, who is known to us only through the writings of others, all being reappraised through the political culture of the Catholic Church, then again of the Protestant Churches and then again in numerous sub-groups. The trilogy of Father, Son and Holy Ghost also complicates matters. Some of the Christian sub-groups such as those of the Jonestown massacre, of the KKK, of suicidal groups and of swindlers can be anti-social and violent. Christian radicals, and other extremists are small fare in the modern age where the power of impact is mostly dealt out by Moslem radicals. Moslem radicals have a world plan not just a local one, are determined through their devotion to their own understanding of Islam, and most importantly, they are well funded. You cannot change the world if you are poor. The poor are the first to complain of mistreatment, but they are the last to act.

As to Islam, instead of being One entity like unto its god Allah, it is divided amongst itself, and in desperation to form one whole political religious unit, wars have been fought by the factions of Islam. Numerous Moslems have died, and they are still dying at the hands of fellow but dissenting Moslems. Christianity, once a religion of baptism by water into a new rebirth of energetic personalities, it is nowadays the watered-down religion. Christianity has gone from being a political religion into being immersed in secular nations who less frequently make war. World War One was fought with both sides praying to the same Christian God. As the Christians have moved away from dominating the Earth, that gap is being filling by the revival of a militant form of Islam. If Christians don’t want to rule, then another, such as Islam will.

The Koran, the text that directs the Moslem life, commands both peace and war. It ruthlessly condemns Jews and Christians, these being its religious and political competition, especially in the early days of Islam. Nowadays, Christianity appears to be no longer competing. Christianity has lost its fire, Islam has taken up the torch, but fire or power can do good or ill, completely depending on just who, or what leader or group wields it. Any religion, whether a new, or an old one, that is in the process of making a surge, as waves up the beach of life, unleashes powerful energies. The maximizing of newborns is promoted to increase numbers over that of those that they see as their opponents’: More children per family; maybe more wives allowed; marrying females at younger ages; more migrations into the territories of others. Dominance does not have to be with weapons, businesses dominate each other simply by outsmarting each other.

Unlike Christianity, Islam was born of battle and its scripture naturally reflects that. So there are numerous battle-related instructions. The Imams who are well versed in the Koran and other scriptures are highly esteemed by Moslems. People will follow good or bad leaders. It is easy for an Imam to incite a crowd of Moslems to his own purposes which may be for Islam or not. The people follow the political views of their leaders, and most Moslems are very devout, and Islam rules and affects all of a Moslem’s life, not just a part of it. It is not just a Sunday-school religion. Moslem law, that is, Shari’ah law, also rules even the political state. It promotes a Theocracy under a Caliphate, whereas Christianity in the modern world promotes Democracy. These two cannot blend, one or the other must dominate. They are locked in a political death-match. It is a matter of who is the most energetic. For life is energy and the exertion of it, and death is inactivity to its extreme and silent end.

The passion for their religion that Moslems do have, was once the passion that Christians used to have for their religion but that is now like a snuffed candle with few sparks. As surveys show, many Moslems will fight for their religion; even kill; even agree to suicide bombers; to the killing of women and children; on the basis of any authority whom they respect telling them that their culture of Islam is under attack. Slander is responded to with death. Islam’s chosen role is to be the dominant male, to Christianity’s submissive female. Whereas Christians do not respond to slander with extreme actions, they only respond to a deadly attack with death. Such are the ways of man. Faith moves man and man moves mountains, mountains of dead bodies, bodies who once, were human. Laughing, singing, working, who believed and lived what they were told. If Islam rules, it is because Christianity, that ruled before it, has stepped aside.
PSYOPS in Counter Insurgency Campaign

PSYOPS Counter Insurgency in Iraq, Afghanistan and India.

For an effective Counter Insurgency PSYOPS one needs to follow these guidelines:

1. Counter Insurgency patrols should never steal from the local population.

2. Counter Insurgency patrols should never be selfish or unjust.

3. When a Counter Insurgency patrol searches a house and if the door is broken, it must be replaced.

4. Counter Insurgency patrols must be courteous to the women and children.

5. Counter Insurgency patrols must be honest in their transactions with the local population.

6. Counter Insurgency patrols must return what they borrow from the local population.

7. Counter Insurgency Patrols must replace what they break, while searching houses of local population.

8. Counter Insurgency patrols must never bathe themselves in the presence of women.

9. Counter Insurgency patrols must never relieve themselves in the presence of women.

10. Counter Insurgency patrols should never search women suspects. Only women soldiers should be allowed to search women.

We must remember that an insurgent is a maverick of war. An insurgent practices deception, treachery, surprise and night operations. An insurgent possesses a highly developed knowledge of the terrain on which he operates, avenues of access and escape, possibilities for rapid maneuver, popular support and hiding places. Insurgents prefer to attack by sudden surprise, furious, relentless attack, then abruptly total passivity. When Counter Insurgency units think that things have returned to normal, then suddenly insurgents strike lightening blow. An unexpected lightening blow is what counts and then again there is total passivity. Insurgent tactics are aimed at deceiving, tempting and confusing Counter Insurgency units.

We must remember that an insurgent is a maverick of war. An insurgent practices deception, treachery, surprise and night operations. An insurgent possesses a highly developed knowledge of the terrain on which he operates, avenues of access and escape, possibilities for rapid maneuver, popular support and hiding places. Insurgents prefer to attack by sudden surprise, furious, relentless attack, then abruptly total passivity. When Counter Insurgency units think that things have returned to normal, then suddenly insurgents strike lightening blow. An unexpected lightening blow is what counts and then again there is total passivity. Insurgent tactics are aimed at deceiving, tempting and confusing Counter Insurgency units.

Terrorism if unchecked evolves into Insurgency and Insurgency if unchecked evolves into a Revolution.


The ultimate aim of terrorists and insurgents and guerrillas is to seize Political Control


Afghanistan and Iraq is a BATTLE of WILLS between insurgents and US Army 


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