Competitive Intelligence

Tactical, Operational & Strategic Analysis of Markets, Competitors & Industries

SCIP 2009 Take Advantage of the Early Bird Discount

Hi folks,

SCIP is sensitive to reduced budgets and has made its 2009 annual conference very competitive in terms of pricing. If you still have some budget left from 2008, I believe this is the right opportunity to use it, as there is an early bird discount, which leaves the fee for SCIP 2009 just under 1,200 for SCIP members. Please consult fees with

The program is updated continuously at but Michael Treacy, best-selling author of The Discipline of Market Leaders, will be the keynote speaker.

Additionally there will be five tracks encompassing the latest developments of the profession on the following issues:

CI Offense/Defense
Professional Effectiveness
Critical Skills
Innovation in CI
Active Dialog

I hope to see you there, as I will be attending and be also a speaker!

Best regards,


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