Competitive Intelligence

Tactical, Operational & Strategic Analysis of Markets, Competitors & Industries

Taking the Pulse of the CI Discipline 2012 - How Have We Evolved?

Fellow passionate colleagues,

In the name of pioneering the CI discipline, similar to the efforts by Arik from Aurora driving this social network and countless others, the UK Competitive Intelligence Forum, the UK international affiliate of SCIP, is hosting its popular survey last undertaken in 2010 to 'Taking the Pulse of the CI Disicpline in 2012 - How Have We Evolved?'.

The additional dimension to be brought to this effort will be how it compares and contrasts to the picture we created in 2010 and looking to answer the following:

* How have I kick started my market/competitive intelligence career?

* How am I improving my existing position?

* How am I measuring my value contribution?

* Where I am considering moving to?

We welcome your participation, as always, to create the picture from which we can develop and understand what's next at a personal level and more broadly from a whole discipline's perspective.

All participants have the opportunity to receive their own briefing.

'Taking the Pulse of the CI Discipline in 2012 - How Have We Evolved?'

Thank you in advance and I welcome and look forward to your participation.


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The survey hangs up for me at question 14.  I get an error message saying the service is not available.

Janiece, I believe it is sorted now and welcome you retrying.  Others have successfully come through to the end and thank you for your patience and feedback.  Very appreciative of the interest it has generated with the 2010 picture available here

Thanks in advance and welcome and look forward to your participation

Few questions --just to clarify ... My OCD Market Research gene kicking in...

Do you want US participation or is this more EMEA focused?

The script flow is definitely targeted toward people working in-house in intel -- not consultants.  I had to kind of meld/model my answers.  Is the intended audience exclusive of independents?'

Was a little confused by the questions using a scale in parens, but may have rushed & missed instructions.  Didn't know if was supposed to use each once, and to what degree we were evaluating it absolutely vs. contextually....

PS -- SLA is Special [not Specialist] Libraries Association.  I probably would have added a marketing association [like AMA in US] or one for info consultants, like AIIP -- which is semi-global.

It would also be interesting to understand -- not sure if this was the intent in an existing  question -- to learn what industry associations people find of value for education. [As opposed to functional.] Goes to the issue of how prevalent the thinking is that industry knowledge/experiences trumps functional background....

Last thought [if you you aren't already primed to shoot me] would be what media people prefer -- such as webinars?  One-offs vs recurring, etc? And how often they participate live vs. pulling slides / audio  / video from archives.

Hi Andrew. I responded and am most eager to see your report. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or I can be of assistance. Thanks!

Thank you and I look forward to drafting the story and comparison to 2010. Previous briefing is available from the UKCIF website Emily. Happy to send this to you through an email address. Thanks again Emily! Previous briefing is available through the link stated earlier in the thread.

Thank you again Emily, would welcome it if you felt it appropreiate to make available to your contacts to understand if they would complete....thanks again...

Just to advise that respondents are coming through and we aim to be able to share a draft by June, in line with when we here in the UK aim to present it at one of our networking events before people disappear on their Summer vacations.


To whet your appetite, an extract has been made available to download that shares a perspective from our recent efforts into understanding 'How Much Are We Worth?' We hope that the extract will encourage more respondents to participate.  We are just about to send the 1st briefing to the good bold colleagues who participated, a thank you for their participation as well as their entry into a draw for the first conference place at the SCIP European Summit in Dublin from 7th to 8th November with workshops on 6th.  Thank you again



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