Competitive Intelligence

Tactical, Operational & Strategic Analysis of Markets, Competitors & Industries

What is your favorite Competititve Intelligence book (blog, website, podcast....)?

I am reading Seena Sharp's Competitive Intelligence Advantage and it is quickly becoming a favorite. I have read other books and found them too academic to be practical. I am compiling a list of recommended reading (books, websites, blogs, magazines, podcasts--all new media) for our new practitioners in the art and science of competitive intelligence and wanted to know what from this very experienced and diverse community: What are your favorites?

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Hi Richard,

Seena's book is a great way to start your CI library. Here is the link to a prior Ning discussion on this topic which I think you'll find helpful. I also use the analytical tools books that Babette Bensoussan and Craig Fleisher wrote, Business and Competitive Analysis and Strategic and Competitive Analysis.

Not in that post was August Jackson's CI podcast.

I believe that Arik has compiled a list of all the CI bloggers who have identified themselves through CI Ning...Arik help me there when you're back from baby leave.

All the best,

Ellen Naylor
I've compiled a list of on-line CI resources here:

P.S. Elen thanks for the shout-out for the CI Podcast.


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