Competitive Intelligence

Tactical, Operational & Strategic Analysis of Markets, Competitors & Industries

Dear all,
Is there any short term training program available in India for working professionals in Competitive Intelligence?

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Hi Parag,


AFAIK there is no short term program in India. I heard someone mention Amity Business school had some certificate programs but could not find them on their website.

You can try the academy of CI, ICI -> these are all in Europe and the US.

Do let me know if you find something.

Hi Parag,

I might just add a little, that's all to your question.

You are right Nimalan- Amity Institute of Competitive Intelligence does offer a course on CI, buts that is 2 yrs MBA in CI and am not sure how much it focuses in depth after going through its curriculum. Looked real nice though.

That apart, I recently came to know of a Pune based company called "ValueNotes" who provide courses on CI, as I recently attended a CI briefing organized by them in Delhi. Looked fair enough though, but again can't say too much without actually knowing about it.

That's all I know for now about CI courses in India, rest all are in US or Europe.

- Kush M.
Thank you, Kush for introducing ValueNotes.

Parag, I will be happy to give you more information on ValueNotes CI training. Our website is and my contact is

Hello Varsha,

Hope you are doing well!

We didn't have the chance to talk to each other apart from the discussion we had during the briefing. Its always a pleasure (or rather an informal duty) to talk or share the truth with everybody; and the truth is that Valuenotes indeed is the only organization I know providing training in CI to professionals.

- Kush M.


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