Competitive Intelligence

Tactical, Operational & Strategic Analysis of Markets, Competitors & Industries

This morning - Apr 9th there was a very active discussion on the Intel Collab teleconference regarding the creation of a CI Wiki.  There were a lot of great ideas bounced around, and we have a limited list of "path forward" action items.  We are looking for ideas, as well as for people who would be interested in becoming active as administrators, editors, authors, and reviewers.


1. Find hosting options

2. Taxonomy of participation (editors, authors, contributors)

3. Possible seed topics?

If you have comments or additional action items, let us hear about it.  We are starting to move forward with the idea, and this is a very collaborative effort.  We need as many folks to become involved as possible for this to be successful.

I have a Wiki already established, which we can treat as a "playground" experimental area.  Go to and create a user account to experiment with.  And please share your ideas for the items above...or anything else that may be on your mind.  We also have a Google wave discussion on this topic already.  If you're a Google Wave user, contact us for an invite, and if not, email us and we will arrange for you to get an invitation to join Google Wave as well.

Let us know how you think the effort should proceed.


Views: 291

Replies to This Discussion

Thanks for the update Mark and for hosting the call Friday - apologies I had to bail out early. Looks like much was accomplished!
Our next intelligence wiki discussion is scheduled for Friday 23 July at 10:30 eastern - register at:

Jordan Frank and I have been setting up a Traction TeamPage server for testing and so far it's pretty slick. A few of you will be receiving a login for it - if you don't get one but want one, please just let me know. If you can't make the call that's alright too - we're just trying out a few new ideas to see how they might look.

Doesn't exist.


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