Competitive Intelligence

Tactical, Operational & Strategic Analysis of Markets, Competitors & Industries

Market & Competitive Mapping for Successful Segmentation Decisions: a Free Live Webinar with Jay Kurtz - Wednesday 30 April 2008

"A study of the map will indicate where critical situations exist o...

Coming up Wednesday 30 April 2008, beginning at 1:00 PM Eastern / 10:00 AM Pacific time, Aurora's COO and Director of Research, Derek Johnson, will be host of Aurora's next live, free 75-minute webinar, featuring Jay Kurtz, Founder & President of KappaWest to provide participants with an understanding of Market and Competitive Mapping and related concepts and tools for use in segementation decision-making.

Click this link to register now, as seating is limited.

These tools have great value in Business Wargames and in other planning-related applications. They should be part of the toolbox of every CI professional as well as those of other professionals involved in areas such as market research, strategic planning and product marketing and management.

This is your chance to hear from the leader in Business Wargaming a...

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