Competitive Intelligence

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IDBS-Sécurité is a Security company based in Geneva, specialized in offering private security and close protection to our customers. We provide confidential and high level services, as well as consultancy on Close Protection Services and Integral Security Services.

We operate according to the highest security standards and Swiss regulated laws; we also offer first class expertise to guarantee your personal safety and, consequently, enhance your lifestyle choices.

Our professional consultant network is based on our experience and is working in the greatest secrecy and discretion, at the same level of our clients.

Each mission received is for us a real opportunity to improve our value to our clients and our purpose is to build a long term partnership based on trust and discretion.


We are in this business to meliorate your life. Any mandate that we are entrusted with will be considered as good as done. We escort you around the world at any moment, in your private and/or your professional life on Earth, on the sea and up in the air!


We operate from the highest levels of integrity, legality and ethics and we are looking forward to develop durable relationships with our clients. Initially, we start an in-depth analysis of a client request, in order to precisely understand your needs. Once we are entrusted with your protection, we go those extra miles to give you extra value for your money. We have a direct access to highly distinguished and immensely experienced consultants, giving us their specific support when necessary.


Risk assessment and management

We compile a thorough and comprehensive client risk assessment portfolio, on which our formal appraisal will be based to build a solution that will reflect client´s individual needs. Our service is structured around the belief that the most important asset we can contribute in is the ability to help our clients pre-empt and avoid potential disruption to their business and lifestyle.

Close Protection Services

We provide comprehensive Close Protection, as well as VIP & safety drivers (armed or not) with limousine service for :


- Politicians

- Business personalities

- Celebrities

- Companies

- NGOs

- IOs

- Families

We carry out in-depth reconnaissance of venues, on the premises and/or residences, so we can accompany you wherever you need to go, either for business or leisure.

We can provide either individual bodyguards or a whole close protection team. We undertake itinerary planning in addition to our core business of operational planning and execution.

VIP & safety drivers with limousines in Switzerland and in Europe

With its partners, IDBS-Sécurité offers the following services :

VIP & safety as well as armored limousine, luxury car, VIP Buses, Minibus and security Bike 1100 cm3 in Switzerland and in Europe.

Air and Maritime private transport

IDBS-Sécurité offers a broad possibility in charter flights : Private jets, helicopters & yachts.

Maritime Security

We provide maritime security for offshore missions and have a team of amphibious experts on hand to respond to all your demands.

Residential Security

We provide residential security and have a very experienced team, able to handle whatever requirement.

Funds & values transportation

IDBS-Sécurité assures the transport of funds, values, arts, etc... in Switzerland, Europe and abroad.


With its partners, IDBS-Sécurité is equally an academy of specialized training. The training center is located in France, the team moves equally to abroad.

Assets Protection

IDBS-Sécurité provides fully armed operatives within Switzerland and abroad, to ensure the security of your property and personnel in transit.


We carry out sophisticated, discreet surveillance and counter-surveillance missions for individuals and organizations.

Technical Security Consultancy

We undertake the planning and installation of a range of state of the art devices that are designed to bolster our efficiency in flawless delivery of our services and your added peace of mind. These systems include: tracking and personal location devices, surveillance systems, close circuit television, etc…

Counter terror, protective services operations, kids guard, law enforcement, Hostage Rescue.

Fee Structure

Our fees are very competitive and aligned with industry standards. We will guarantee value for every service rendered and leave you in no doubt that your money is well spent.

We understand our clients and know that while your main concern is quality, value for money is also of prime importance. We are therefore focused on giving you an impeccable service and using a concise, transparent and competitive fee structure.


We believe that our clients satisfaction can be best achieved through rigorous adherence to our five core principles:

- Integrity and loyalty of all our collaborators, partners and consultants.

- Reflection and applied Intelligence in our approach and methods

- Discreet and efficient operations

- Confidentiality in our missions and services

- Can do attitude, the attitude and diplomacy.


Due to the constantly changing situation in global Security, we are fully committed as an organization to be at the leading edge of our industry.

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