Competitive Intelligence

Tactical, Operational & Strategic Analysis of Markets, Competitors & Industries

Competitive Intelligence (CI) Master Class by Vivek Raghuvanshi in India

Competitive Intelligence (CI) Master Class by Vivek Raghuvanshi

Turning knowledge of your competitive environment into actionable intelligence needed to sustain business advantage by mitigating risks and generating early warning

Key Sessions:

*Outlining the benefits a CI process can provide your company.

*Insight on outflanking and outmaneuvering competitors

* Leveraging on Strategic Inflection Points to mitigate corporate risks.

*Understanding and defining Competitive Intelligence needs of the organization

* Importance of assessing the possibility whether products and services can be delivered in a different way.

* Identifying legal and ethical collection techniques using passive intelligence, semi-active intelligence and active intelligence sources.

*Interpreting strategic competitive intelligence to avoid strategic surprises

*Communicating CI to the relevant decision makers within an organization

*Social Media and Competitive Intelligence.

*Preparing for possible futures using Scenario Planning and integrating the results into Strategic Thinking

*Anticipating possible competitor strategies and evaluating your strategy effectiveness with business war games.

Attend this informative event and gain practical insights into:

• Delivering impactful results through advanced CI processes

• Formulating smarter and improved decisions by leveraging upon strategic CI

• Adding value to the decision-making process by adopting the most suitable analytical method for your business

• Transforming key information into bottom-line results through effective execution of intelligence processes

• Developing a world-class CI capability through successful implementation of tools and techniques

• Benchmarking against successful case studies and real-life examples to prepare your organisation for the future

• Safeguarding and protecting your information to secure your organisation against market threats and changes

About the expert presenter Vivek Raghuvanshi:

Partner, Corporate Risks

Regional representative of R-Techno in India


Partner, Diplomatie & Gesellschaft

Competitive Intelligence (CI) Masterclass by Arthur Weiss and Vivek Raghuvanshi

Who should attend:

Those experts who are involved in Corporate Strategy formulation and Business Strategy formulation and Functional Strategy formulation.

  • Competitive Intelligence
  • Strategy
  • Business Intelligence
  • Market Intelligence
  • Consumer Intelligence
  • Market Research
  • Research and Development
  • Marketing
  • Brand Repositioning
  • Corporate Communications
  • Human Resources
  • Operations
  • Client Servicing
  • Customer Acquisition
  • Customer Retention
  • New Product Development
  • New  Business Development
  • Logistics and Supply Chain Management
  • Analysts
  • Management Consultants
  • Risk Management Consultants
  • NGO’s

From All Industry Verticals and Law Enforcement Agencies and those who are working in:

  • Latent Markets
  • Emerging Markets
  • Fragmented Markets
  • Consolidated Markets

Day I

Session One

Leveraging on Strategic Inflection Points to mitigate corporate risks

Session Two

Practical exercise on identification of Strategic Inflection Points in your organization

Session Three

Planning in Competitive Intelligence to further strengthen your CI function

Session Four

Practical exercise on creating a competitive intelligence department

Session Five

Counter Intelligence

Session Six


 Day II

Session Seven

War gaming

Session Eight

Practical exercise with war gaming

Session Nine

Scenario Planning

Session Ten

Practical Exercise:  Scenario Planning

Session Eleven

Social Media and Competitive Intelligence

Session Twelve.

Strategy Formulation and Strategy Revision.

Views: 81


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