Competitive Intelligence

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The Last Three Wishes of Alexander-The Great

Alexander-The Great was the disciple of Aristotle and a conqueror of vast territories of land that stretched from West to East that entailed millions of subjects. The success and glory that he was able to attain at such a young age was truly awe-inspiring. He was the commander of a massive army which involved multiple extremely talented and experienced generals – all of whom served and obeyed their leader to the greatest extent.

His death occurred at the age of 32 and there are various causes linked to it. However, legend has it that the final three wishes that Alexander made on his deathbed in the presence of his generals were utmost peculiar as they certainly left the men present by his side during his final hours in a state of bewilderment.

On his deathbed, Alexander-The Great summoned his top generals and disclosed his three final wishes. He told them that:

  1. His coffin shall be carried by the best of doctors.
  2. Whatever monetary gains he made in life, be it coins, gold, gems etc., shall be scattered along the entire path from where his coffin will pass on its way to the cemetery.
  3. And finally, his hands will be left outside the coffin, untied, so that everyone sees them.

Puzzled by the leader’s extremely odd series of final requests, the generals pleaded Alexander to be informed of the reasons behind making such bizarre demands. Alexander responded by giving clarification over each of his three wishes:

  1. The reason behind doctors carrying the coffin is to tell everyone that when death is certain, not even the best of healers can find any cure; they fail miserably before death.
  2. Money or gold that he earned during his lifetime shall be spread on the roads to give the idea that whatever is earned whilst living above the surface of earth, stays above the surface of earth.
  3. Lastly, the intention behind leaving his hands outside the coffin, untied, is to show that man comes to earth empty-handed and he leaves it in a similar state after spending his life; man takes no worldly gains with him beneath the earth as they are of no use there.

Regardless of whatever one’s beliefs are (and whether this story is any bit true or not), there still is a pretty important message given here: live life to its fullest but always be prepared to face your certain demise as there is no escaping that.

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