Competitive Intelligence

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Identifying & Valuing Your Transferrable Skills: From Prospect Research to Competitive Intelligence

Event Details

Identifying & Valuing Your Transferrable Skills: From Prospect Research to Competitive Intelligence

Time: February 19, 2014 from 11am to 12pm
Location: Virtual
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Event Type: webinar
Organized By: AIIP
Latest Activity: Feb 14, 2014

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Event Description

AIIP Invites You
Identifying and Valuing Your Transferable Skills
From Prospect Research to Competitive Intelligence

As a prospect researcher you have many skills. Using the right jargon to describe your skills and learning how to communicate the value of these skills in terms that senior management can relate to will open opportunities for you. In this webinar Marge King will help you recognize which prospect research skills are transferrable and how they may be the stepping stone to moving your career to the next level. This session is designed for all levels of prospect researchers. Whether the goal is to become an independent information professional, remain with your current employer, or seek new employment opportunities, participants will learn to recognize relevant fundraising skills that are transferrable, to communicate these skills effectively, and to use them to broaden their own career paths within advancement and beyond.
SPEAKER: Marge King

Margaret King is president of InfoRich Group, Inc., a consulting firm providing fundraising support in the areas of board development, prospect research, grant writing, and training. In addition to raising millions of dollars for her clients, she has thousands of profiles for her clients. She speaks and writes about contemporary fundraising and board development matters. A member of the adjunct faculty at Delaware County Community College and Eastern University, she teaches nonprofit management courses at graduate and undergraduate levels and has been invited to speak at several state-level Annual Conferences for the Association of Fundraising Professionals and the Association of Professional Researchers for Development. She has served on several nonprofit boards and has evaluated grant proposals for the National Science Foundation.  She is a Past President of AIIP.

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