Competitive Intelligence

Tactical, Operational & Strategic Analysis of Markets, Competitors & Industries

Promotion: My new CI book, "Competitive Intelligence: Fast, Cheap & Ethical"

Hi Folks,

I wanted to let you know that I have a new book out, "Competitive Intelligence: Fast, Cheap & Ethical." The book is a fast read that presents simple CI tactics that people can use to gain an edge without spending lots of money. The book has some tips that will benefit both beginners and experienced people alike. If you happened to see my presentation at SCIP 07 in New York, you will recognize some of these tactics, along with updated ones.

The book is available at or through Amazon or your local bookstore.

As a special offer, I am willing to send free copies to the first 5 people who send their mailing address to me at The only thing I ask in return is that the recipients be willing to blog a review of the book or review it on Amazon.

Many thanks! Rob

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Will you be able to ship a free copy to Indian's fresh minds of CI?
Hi Jayanth,

Thanks for your email. I will be happy to send you a copy of the book to review. Cheers.. Rob
Hi Rob, Have you got my email that informing you your book had arrived to my desk after a long time trip. I will read it and write a comment on Amazon. Thanks again! George
Hi Rob:

I got your new book a couple of days ago and have now read through it. I enjoyed reading it, and think you have properly targeted your audience as being start-ups, entrepreneurs, and innovators. Most of them do a fair number of things you identify in the book - like human intelligence, mystery shopping, industry analysis, etc. - but don't necessarily recognize it as being CI. The brevity of the book is refreshing, particularly for someone like me who often finds himself reading 25k word articles that are so dense that I sometimes feel I need a specialized "article GPS" just to figure out where I am at or am going in the piece! That is certainly not the issue in your smartly organized and concisely written book.

The thing I particularly liked about your book was the exercises you included at the end of the chapters. They are easy to understand, do, and should pragmatically assist your readers in improving their CI skills, something all of us on this forum likely have an interest in seeing happens. Thanks for reminding us that there is power in simplicity -- and these easily done exercises can make a major difference in improving general CI capabilities.

Good work on the book and I wish you continuing success in your applied research activities at BCIT! Craig
Hi Craig,

Thanks very much for your great comments! I am glad you enjoyed the book, and am looking forward to seeing you at SCIP09 in Chicago. Cheers.. Rob


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