Competitive Intelligence

Tactical, Operational & Strategic Analysis of Markets, Competitors & Industries


One common problem in Competitive Intelligence is that it is difficult to discuss factual competitive intelligence projects due to the reluctance of companies to share detailed information. Of course, CI projects often represent sensitive work that reflects a company’s priorities and/or concerns. There are good (legal and ethical) reasons not to share many kinds of information.

How can we have good problem solving discussions without shared stories?

With help from Arik Johnson, August Jackson, Ellen Naylor and others, I have created a website and process to address this issue.

Here is a solution.

The newly launched Competitive Intelligence Case Studies website will host a regular forum for posing and addressing competitive intelligence case studies. Competitive intelligence practitioners and academics can contribute their thoughts, opinions and advice with respect to the problems described or implicit in the case study. The case studies may focus on analytical issues, people issues, trends or some other aspect of the competitive environment. Many cases will involve multiple

problem dimensions and non-obvious solutions. (After all, isn’t that typical in real life situations?)

Here are the mechanics.

  1. Each case study would be approximately 2000-3000 words. I will write some of them. Others may contribute as well as described here.
  2. For each case study, experts will be formally invited to respond. Each will receive the case study and have 15-30 days to return a response to me. A response would be <500 words (this might vary for specific case studies). Guidelines are located here.
  3. I would be responsible for editing the responses and posting them (plus the case study) on the website ( Each responder would have their picture and links to their business/school site “attached” to their response. See an example here.
  4. Readers could also contribute comments once the case study was posted. A dedicated blog ( exists for this purpose.
  5. Each case study would be published in a PDF file that could be used for marketing purposes. The file would contain the original study, the
    invited commentators’ responses and selected comments from others.

Why might you want to be involved?

  • You might pick up problem-solving tips from other experts.
  • By submitting a case study that frames a common issue that you face, you can leverage the community's expertise.
  • You can sharpen your own problem-solving by comparing your solutions with those offered by others.
  • You can use the marketing summaries to promote your own business.
  • You can increase your networks as you help others with concrete solutions.

Would you be interested in contributing?

Here are three opportunities for you. 

  1. Read and respond to the case studies and commentaries that are posted.
  2. Volunteer to write a case study. (If you need help, I will be glad to assist.)
  3. Volunteer to be an expert commentator and share your problem-solving ideas.

What do you think?

You can email me at or simply respond in this forum. Thanks!

Tom Hawes
Competitive Intelligence Case Studies Blog
Competitive Intelligence Case Studies
Strategically Thinking Blog
JTHawes Consulting

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I have presented 2 case studies at a UK SCIP Networking Event Series to compliment a SCIP analysis course in London. These can be found under previous events at You are more than welcome to take a look as you see fit. Enjoy the day,

Thanks. As soon as my password comes, I will download and look these over. Perhaps there is a way to get community feedback (beyond what you have already done) for the cases?

Hoping that it should be quite an instantaneous experience. Got them yet?

Just found it as it arrived but went to my junk email. Thanks for checking.



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