Competitive Intelligence

Tactical, Operational & Strategic Analysis of Markets, Competitors & Industries

Monthly Competitive Intelligence Survey

I am curious this month to understand how competitive intelligence professionals are succeeding as they describe CI to potential customers or clients. And, how would the CI person want to improve to increase their chances of successfully completing projects that deliver recognized value to their organization or clients?

This is a short (5 questions) survey that will only take two minutes to complete.

Would you share your thoughts by clicking on to take the survey?

I'll report results by March 31st.


Tom Hawes

Competitive Intelligence Case Studies Blog
Competitive Intelligence Case Studies
Strategically Thinking Blog
JTHawes Consulting

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Thanks Tom, some of this may be covered in our forthcoming networking event in the UK, entitled Professional Effectiveness and Personal Improvement as a CI Practitioner given the calibre of the audience as well as the panellists. Arik has set up a webinar link for logistically challenged colleagues to listen in. We shall also be trying to make it available post the event to continue the debate given the points raised hopefully. We've got some cracking presentations given Mary Banks' improving influencing skills....

Yes, I am aware of your meeting and would love to join. Unfortunately, I am traveling during the session this time but I will certainly review whatever is posted. Perhaps I can be a part of the next meeting.

BTW, if it is appropriate to encourage at your session, I would love to get more responses to my survey. Afterwards, I would be glad to share the survey data. Alternative interpretations are interesting to me.



Results are now posted at Some conclusions/observations are in the notes on that web page. Blog entry will be forthcoming about the surprising responses.

Thanks to all that answered the survey. I appreciate your input.

Tom Hawes

Competitive Intelligence Case Studies Blog

Competitive Intelligence Case Studies
Strategically Thinking Blog
JTHawes Consulting
Thanks for posting this back Tom, very much appreciated. You would have to argue that this could reflect people's learning styles or something more severe...thank you again
What's your sample size like Tom? Sixteen, is that the number I saw? That's total orgs or individual managers?

The sample size is small. I believe that it represents 16 people (probably from different organizations). A weakness of my 5 question survey format is that I don't collect demographic information. It is the trade-off of having something short to complete versus something that is statistically defensible.

Nonetheless I think it's great you're trying to build a monthly survey instrument on topics of interest to the community - I'd like to suggest using the members here to drive participation - if you start a discussion (so you're the host) I'll be happy to distro it to the whole membership (1200+ individuals) and you can use that to drive question suggestions about what the community wants to know more about.
Thanks a fantastic idea indeed, esepcially if we can twitter that and con tinue to grow the unbderstanding of the discipline and use web 2.0 to create quite an insight bank from which we can all benefit.....we are doing something in the UK on a similar basis that explores career paths into, while here and exiting competitive intelligence......I am sure that its reference will appear within these pages....offer contributors copies post the exercise too....
Arik, Andrew:

Thanks for the idea and encouragement. I will definitely follow your suggestion in the next few days (still recovering from SCIP and subsequent travel).



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