Competitive Intelligence

Tactical, Operational & Strategic Analysis of Markets, Competitors & Industries

Where to submit a CI article for publication in a professional journal?

About a month ago someone listed a discussion about where to send a CI artlicle for publication.  Or maybe it was to start a new publication as an alternative to SCIP?  I can't remember the specifics....  Does anyone remember who started it - or where that discussion is? 



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Hi Alan,
Happy new year.
You can find the Discussion Topic under the CI Ning Academics Group.
I believe this is the correct link:
Hope it helps.
Wish you a great 2011.
Miguel DF
Thank you, Miguel - that's exactly what I was looking for.  And happy New Year to you, too.  Alan

Hi Alan:


Another answer to this is to look at the extensive CI bibliography published at the CIMITRI site led by my colleague and friend Sheila Wright at DeMontfort University. It can be found at:

A quick look at those listings will show book publishers, edited volumes, journal and practitioner publications. Upon looking at the bibliographic entries, I'd encourage you to take notice of the wide range of journals that publish CI-oriented material -- there are hundreds of these published in a variety of journals just between 2000-07! Although we don't have many CI-specific publication options (note: SCIP used to have the CI Review and Journal of Competitive Intelligence and Management or JCIM, and still has a monthly electronic magazine it makes available to its members), the field has been able to flourish in publications that specialize in planning, policy, marketing, management, strategy, public intelligence, organizational fields, entrepreneurship, trade, economics, psychology, and various other disciplines that have occasionally recognized the overlap between CI and their scope.


I hope this helps and wish you well in getting your CI-related article published!

Thanks Craig, much appreciated!


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