Competitive Intelligence

Tactical, Operational & Strategic Analysis of Markets, Competitors & Industries

Taking the Pulse of the CI Discipline 2012 - How Have We Evolved?

Fellow passionate colleagues,


In the name of pioneering the CI discipline, similar to the efforts by Arik from Aurora driving this social network and countless others, the UK Competitive Intelligence Forum, the UK international affiliate of SCIP, is hosting its popular survey last undertaken in 2010 to 'Taking the Pulse of the CI Disicpline in 2012 - How Have We Evolved?'.


The additional dimension to be brought to this effort will be how it compares and contrasts to the picture we created in 2010 and looking to answer the following:

* How have I kick started my market/competitive intelligence career?

* How am I improving my existing position?

* How am I measuring my value contribution?

* Where I am considering moving to?


We welcome your participation, as always, to create the picture from which we can develop and understand what's next at a personal level and more broadly from a whole discipline's perspective.


All participants have the opportunity to receive their own briefing.

'Taking the Pulse of the CI Discipline in 2012 - How Have We Evolved?'


Thank you in advance and I welcome and look forward to your participation.


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I am happy to share with you that we have finally published the results that formed the discussion points for one of our networkinbg events in the UK.  The full briefing as well as the abridged version used for the networking event are available for download from the UK Competitive Intelligence Forum website through the below stated link


If you have not registered against the site before, you will need to do that and log in to access both briefings and those made available through previous networking events.


Again, I would like to thank all those that have participated without whom none of this would have been possible.  Thank you for your contributions.


Enjoy the day,


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