Competitive Intelligence

Tactical, Operational & Strategic Analysis of Markets, Competitors & Industries

My colleague and SCIP Fellow Jay Paap is trying to organize a group of people to help contribute to the CI Foundation's upcoming book about CTI. He has needs in two areas.

First, Jay is looking for authors willing to explore in depth a particular collection or analytical technique appropriate to CTI. He has a couple of chapters dealing with different aspects of patent assessment, and possibly one on collecting intelligence using technical staff at professional meetings (but might consider another if had a slightly different perspective). Any of you that have expertise or experiences in using data mining, literature citation and co-citation analysis, econometric modeling, human source collection aimed at technical experts, technology forecasting or trending analysis, anticipating disruptive technologies, etc., etc., please raise your hand and volunteer to write about it.

The other area where Jay could use some help is a section of the book (which he hopes will be the largest) that covers specific applications of CTI collection and analytical techniques, and the packaging of the results in a way that effectively influences technical decision-making. These mini cases would ideally show the range of CTI activity and the importance of using multiple techniques in concert to address real problems. Or, the chapter could deal with the special challenges of communicating to “world-class” scientists and engineers, or the problem in developing expertise in technical subjects at a sufficient depth to facilitate collecting intelligence from external experts. In short, this last section will deal with examples of how you actually make CTI work. Jay imagines that each of you when chatting with colleagues at SCIP meetings talks excitedly about some project you were involved in that either had a major impact on your company or demonstrated a novel approach that you were personally proud of. These are the things he is looking for.

The book has four sections in total. first two sections he thinks he has a pretty good handle on. The first chapters will define CTI and show the various ways it is used in different fields. The next chapters will deal with organizational issues (although I may put this part in the back) with chapters on how to start a function and how CTI works on a day-to-day basis inside a large organization. He also has authors that will provide overviews of collection and analytical techniques. It is the detailed discussions and applications of CTI (the last two sections) where he is particularly seeking your help.

Please let Jay know if you are interested in helping and what topic or topics are of most interest you. He is hoping to hear from you and that his next problem will be having too many chapters on his plate. Please don't forget to mention that you heard about this from me and that Craig Fleisher encouraged you to touch base, will you? Thanks!

Jay's contact details
Jay Paap
Paap Associates

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thank you for putting this up!!!

Hi Craig - it'd be an interesting exercise to see Jay pull some of these topics together online like this. It might make for an interesting perspective on the work itself.
Hello Craig

I may be able to help out here - I've done a lot of work with international technology standards and translating what we learn there back into our R&D and business planning efforts. Is this the sort of thing that you had in mind?


Hi Valerie: Yes. That is the kind of thinking I suspect Jay is looking for. Please contact him at your earliest opportunity at and be sure to tell him that I suggested you touch base. He is currently traveling but checks his e-mail regularly. He will also be in San Diego at SCIP's meeting if you'd like to touch base with him or I there as well. Good wishes!


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