Competitive Intelligence

Tactical, Operational & Strategic Analysis of Markets, Competitors & Industries

Competitive Intelligence (CI) Masterclass by Arthur Weiss and Vivek Raghuvanshi


Competitive Intelligence (CI) Masterclass by Arthur Weiss and Vivek Raghuvanshi

Novotel Mumbai Juhu Beach, India

11th & 12th November 2010


Competitive Intelligence (CI) is a vital activity in any business. It is a given fact

that with growing competition in India, CI is the most crucial tool for surviving

and thriving in a competitive environment. These challenges and risks will

increase significantly in the future, thus monitoring competitors is of utmost

importance if organisations desire to sustain their competitive advantages.

The most common problem faced is lack of knowledge and accurate data input

to implement a full CI programme effectively. The process of disseminating

information within an organisation is also a concern. However this is rapidly

changing, as more companies are becoming aware of how beneficial CI is as

well as the need to adopt and implement a strategic CI approach in their

working culture.

Competitive Intelligence is essential as part of an organisation’s core business

approaches for gaining the information needed for strategic decision making.

The establishment of business processes to manage the collection, evaluation

and utilisation of “shared” business critical data is not something that can be

driven by technology alone, but it is something that can be made effective and

intelligent through appropriate training and guidance.

“We do not deal with certainties. The world of intelligence

is the world of probabilities. Getting the information is

not usually the most difficult task. What is difficult is

putting upon it the right interpretation. Analysis is


Competitive Intelligence is an essential management process that enables

companies to identify and gather the intelligence to compete effectively in a

world where the only thing that is certain in business is that the future is uncertain

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Comment by Jayanth on October 31, 2010 at 12:46pm
It will be a very wonderful workshop...

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