Competitive Intelligence

Tactical, Operational & Strategic Analysis of Markets, Competitors & Industries

Adrian Alvarez's Comments

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At 11:19am on May 26, 2011, Giles Cattermole said…

Hello Adrian,

Thank you for the reference to Sr. Salas Navas, we will surely make contact with him. 

May I ask with whom you have the exclusivity agreement?  We might be able to work with you via them, without breaching the agreement.  



At 6:34am on October 6, 2009, Sandra Schlick said…
Hi Adrian

I only replied much later to your offer to send me your presentation at our CI discussion as I did not see your reply. Could you send me the presentation now? Thanks and regards
At 9:52am on July 4, 2009, Deepankar Kamboj said…
Hi Sir,

Thanks for the comments.I completely agree with you. This is a great surprise. Its flattering for me that my face resembles the face of a master practitioner of CI.

At 7:43am on March 4, 2009, Iber James Quiñones said…
Gracias Adrián por tu bienvenida...
Seguimos en contacto...
At 5:10am on January 6, 2009, Nimalan said…
Thank you Adrian.

From your note I understand that this course is not taught in English :(

Thanks again

At 8:23pm on January 5, 2009, Chris Hote said…
Hi Adrian,
I am glad you enjoy the beach and you started this year in such great fortune.
All my best.
At 6:22am on January 5, 2009, Nimalan said…
Hi Adrian,

Can you please give me some more information on the CI postgraduate course in Argentina.

At 7:47am on January 4, 2009, Chris Hote said…
Feliz nuevo ano para ti, tu familia et tu trabajo.
At 3:56pm on October 17, 2008, Chris Hote said…
Hey, lucky you Adrian. Indeed Rome is worth many trips for similar reasons than going to Paris: the food is great, monuments are fabulous, weather is sweet.
A very different trip though. Go for pasta, gelato and anti-pasti. Go to Coliseum, to piazza navona, to foro, to Trevi Fountain and on Tevere riversides.
At 6:16am on June 11, 2008, Eliana Benjumeda said…
Holaaa Adrián,

Me alegro de estar entre tus amigos :)

At 6:53am on May 4, 2008, Dr. Avner Barnea said…
Hi Adrian, Good to see that you have joined. Best, Avner
At 11:34pm on April 3, 2008, Ellen Naylor said…
Hi Adrian,

I look forward to seeing you at SCIP 08 soon!

At 1:39pm on March 31, 2008, Adrian Alvarez said…
Hi Avner,

Yes, I just learnt of it during the week-end.

Best regards,

At 1:00pm on March 31, 2008, Dr. Avner Barnea said…
Hi Adrain,
Good to see that you have participated.
Best regards,
At 9:05am on March 29, 2008, Alessandro Comai said…
Hi Adrian! Grate to share experiance with you.

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